• R. David Murray's avatar
    Merged revisions 82039 via svnmerge from · a1b3740d
    R. David Murray authored
      r82039 | r.david.murray | 2010-06-16 21:36:52 -0400 (Wed, 16 Jun 2010) | 10 lines
      #8720: fix inspect regression by teaching getsourcefile about linecache.
      The fix for issue 4050 caused a regression:  before that fix, source
      lines in the linecache would eventually be found by inspect.  After the
      fix inspect reports an error earlier, and the source isn't found.
      The fix for the fix is to have getsourcefile look in the linecache for
      the file and return the psuedo-filename if the source is there, just as
      it already returns it if there is a PEP 302 loader.
inspect.py 41.9 KB