Issue #11784: Improve multiprocessing.Process.join() documentation. Patch by

Patrick Sabin.
parent fc93c929
......@@ -343,10 +343,9 @@ The :mod:`multiprocessing` package mostly replicates the API of the
.. method:: join([timeout])
Block the calling thread until the process whose :meth:`join` method is
called terminates or until the optional timeout occurs.
If *timeout* is ``None`` then there is no timeout.
If the optional argument *timeout* is ``None`` (the default), the method
blocks until the process whose :meth:`join` method is called terminates.
If *timeout* is a positive number, it blocks at most *timeout* seconds.
A process can be joined many times.
......@@ -820,6 +820,7 @@ Jeff Rush
Sam Rushing
Mark Russell
Nick Russo
Patrick Sabin
Sébastien Sablé
Hajime Saitou
George Sakkis
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