Commit 01f5a81d authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Lots of new stuff again. Moved buffer types to some separate files.

Added some new-fangled features to bgenOutput.  Generate doc strings!
parent 5679e56b
"Export everything in the various bgen submodules."
from bgenType import *
from bgenVariable import *
from bgenBuffer import *
from bgenStackBuffer import *
from bgenHeapBuffer import *
from bgenStringBuffer import *
from bgenOutput import *
from bgenGenerator import *
from bgenModule import *
"""Buffers are character arrays that may contain null bytes.
There are a number of variants depending on:
- how the buffer is allocated (for output buffers), and
- whether and how the size is passed into and/or out of the called function.
from bgenType import Type, InputOnlyMixIn, OutputOnlyMixIn, InputOnlyType, OutputOnlyType
from bgenOutput import *
# Map common types to their format characters
type2format = {
'long': 'l',
'int': 'i',
'short': 'h',
'char': 'b',
'unsigned long': 'l',
'unsigned int': 'i',
'unsigned short': 'h',
'unsigned char': 'b',
# ----- PART 1: Fixed character buffers -----
class FixedInputOutputBufferType(InputOnlyType):
"""Fixed buffer -- passed as (inbuffer, outbuffer)."""
def __init__(self, size, datatype = 'char', sizetype = 'int', sizeformat = None):
self.typeName = "Buffer"
self.size = str(size)
self.datatype = datatype
self.sizetype = sizetype
self.sizeformat = sizeformat or type2format[sizetype]
def declare(self, name):
def declareBuffer(self, name):
def declareInputBuffer(self, name):
Output("%s *%s__in__;", self.datatype, name)
def declareOutputBuffer(self, name):
Output("%s %s__out__[%s];", self.datatype, name, self.size)
def declareSize(self, name):
Output("%s %s__len__;", self.sizetype, name)
def getargsFormat(self):
# XXX This only works if the size is int-sized!!!
return "s#"
def getargsArgs(self, name):
return "&%s__in__, &%s__len__" % (name, name)
def getargsCheck(self, name):
Output("if (%s__len__ != %s)", name, self.size)
Output('PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "buffer length should be %s");',
Output("goto %s__error__;", name)
def passOutput(self, name):
return "%s__in__, %s__out__" % (name, name)
def mkvalueFormat(self):
return "s#"
def mkvalueArgs(self, name):
return "%s__out__, %s" % (name, self.size)
def cleanup(self, name):
Output(" %s__error__: ;", name)
class FixedCombinedInputOutputBufferType(FixedInputOutputBufferType):
"""Like fixed buffer -- but same parameter is input and output."""
def passOutput(self, name):
return "(%s *)memcpy(%s__out__, %s__in__, %s)" % \
(self.datatype, name, name, self.size)
class InputOnlyBufferMixIn(InputOnlyMixIn):
def declareOutputBuffer(self, name):
class OutputOnlyBufferMixIn(OutputOnlyMixIn):
def declareInputBuffer(self, name):
class FixedInputBufferType(InputOnlyBufferMixIn, FixedInputOutputBufferType):
"""Fixed size input buffer -- passed without size information.
Instantiate with the size as parameter.
def passInput(self, name):
return "%s__in__" % name
class FixedOutputBufferType(OutputOnlyBufferMixIn, FixedInputOutputBufferType):
"""Fixed size output buffer -- passed without size information.
Instantiate with the size as parameter.
def passOutput(self, name):
return "%s__out__" % name
class VarInputBufferType(FixedInputBufferType):
"""Variable size input buffer -- passed as (buffer, size).
Instantiate without size parameter.
def __init__(self, datatype = 'char', sizetype = 'int', sizeformat = None):
FixedInputBufferType.__init__(self, "0", datatype, sizetype, sizeformat)
def getargsCheck(self, name):
def passInput(self, name):
return "%s__in__, %s__len__" % (name, name)
# ----- PART 2: Structure buffers -----
class StructInputOutputBufferType(FixedInputOutputBufferType):
"""Structure buffer -- passed as a structure pointer.
Instantiate with the struct type as parameter.
def __init__(self, type):
FixedInputOutputBufferType.__init__(self, "sizeof(%s)" % type)
self.typeName = self.type = type
def declareInputBuffer(self, name):
Output("%s *%s__in__;", self.type, name)
def declareOutputBuffer(self, name):
Output("%s %s__out__;", self.type, name)
def getargsArgs(self, name):
return "(char **)&%s__in__, &%s__len__" % (name, name)
def passInput(self, name):
return "%s__in__" % name
def passOutput(self, name):
return "%s__in__, &%s__out__" % (name, name)
def mkvalueArgs(self, name):
return "(char *)&%s__out__, %s" % (name, self.size)
class StructCombinedInputOutputBufferType(StructInputOutputBufferType):
"""Like structure buffer -- but same parameter is input and output."""
def passOutput(self, name):
return "(%s *)memcpy((char *)%s__out__, (char *)%s__in__, %s)" % \
(self.type, name, name, self.size)
class StructInputBufferType(InputOnlyBufferMixIn, StructInputOutputBufferType):
"""Fixed size input buffer -- passed as a pointer to a structure.
Instantiate with the struct type as parameter.
class StructByValueBufferType(StructInputBufferType):
"""Fixed size input buffer -- passed as a structure BY VALUE.
Instantiate with the struct type as parameter.
def passInput(self, name):
return "*%s__in__" % name
class StructOutputBufferType(OutputOnlyBufferMixIn, StructInputOutputBufferType):
"""Fixed size output buffer -- passed as a pointer to a structure.
Instantiate with the struct type as parameter.
def passOutput(self, name):
return "&%s__out__" % name
class ArrayOutputBufferType(OutputOnlyBufferMixIn, StructInputOutputBufferType):
"""Fixed size output buffer -- declared as a typedef, passed as an array.
Instantiate with the struct type as parameter.
def passOutput(self, name):
return "%s__out__" % name
from bgenOutput import *
from bgenType import *
from bgenVariable import *
Error = "bgenGenerator.Error"
......@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ INOUT = IN_OUT = "in-out"
class FunctionGenerator:
def __init__(self, returntype, name, *argumentList):
print "<--", name
self.returntype = returntype = name
self.argumentList = []
......@@ -51,8 +53,42 @@ class FunctionGenerator:
def reference(self, name = None):
if name is None:
name =
Output("{\"%s\", (PyCFunction)%s_%s, 1},",
name, self.prefix,
docstring = self.docstring()
Output("{\"%s\", (PyCFunction)%s_%s, 1,", name, self.prefix,
Output(" %s},", stringify(docstring))
def docstring(self):
import string
input = []
output = []
for arg in self.argumentList:
if arg.flags == ErrorMode or arg.flags == SelfMode:
if arg.type == None:
str = 'void'
if hasattr(arg.type, 'typeName'):
typeName = arg.type.typeName
if typeName is None: # Suppressed type
typeName = "?"
print "Nameless type", arg.type
str = typeName + ' ' +
if arg.mode in (InMode, InOutMode):
if arg.mode in (InOutMode, OutMode):
if not input:
instr = "()"
instr = "(%s)" % string.joinfields(input, ", ")
if not output or output == ["void"]:
outstr = "None"
outstr = "(%s)" % string.joinfields(output, ", ")
return instr + " -> " + outstr
def generate(self):
print "-->",
......@@ -143,9 +179,7 @@ class FunctionGenerator:
for arg in tmp:
if not arg: continue
if arg.flags == ErrorMode: continue
if arg.mode in (OutMode, InOutMode):
Output("return _res;")
def functiontrailer(self):
......@@ -174,6 +208,18 @@ class ManualGenerator(FunctionGenerator):
Output("%s", self.body)
_stringify_map = {'\n': '\\n', '\t': '\\t', '\r': '\\r', '\b': '\\b',
'\e': '\\e', '\a': '\\a', '\f': '\\f', '"': '\\"'}
def stringify(str):
if str is None: return "None"
res = '"'
map = _stringify_map
for c in str:
if map.has_key(c): res = res + map[c]
elif ' ' <= c <= '~': res = res + c
else: res = res + '\\%03o' % ord(c)
res = res + '"'
return res
def _test():
void = None
# Buffers allocated on the heap
from bgenOutput import *
from bgenType import OutputOnlyMixIn
from bgenBuffer import FixedInputOutputBufferType
class HeapInputOutputBufferType(FixedInputOutputBufferType):
"""Input-output buffer allocated on the heap -- passed as (inbuffer, outbuffer, size).
Instantiate without parameters.
Call from Python with input buffer.
def __init__(self, datatype = 'char', sizetype = 'int', sizeformat = None):
FixedInputOutputBufferType.__init__(self, "0", datatype, sizetype, sizeformat)
def declareOutputBuffer(self, name):
Output("%s *%s__out__;", self.datatype, name)
def getargsCheck(self, name):
Output("if ((%s__out__ = malloc(%s__len__)) == NULL)", name, name)
Output("goto %s__error__;", name)
def passOutput(self, name):
return "%s__in__, %s__out__, %s__len__" % (name, name, name)
def mkvalueArgs(self, name):
return "%s__out__, %s__len__" % (name, name)
def cleanup(self, name):
Output("free(%s__out__);", name)
FixedInputOutputBufferType.cleanup(self, name)
class VarHeapInputOutputBufferType(HeapInputOutputBufferType):
"""same as base class, but passed as (inbuffer, outbuffer, &size)"""
def passOutput(self, name):
return "%s__in__, %s__out__, &%s__len__" % (name, name, name)
class HeapCombinedInputOutputBufferType(HeapInputOutputBufferType):
"""same as base class, but passed as (inoutbuffer, size)"""
def passOutput(self, name):
return "(%s *)memcpy(%s__out__, %s__in__, %s__len__)" % \
(self.datatype, name, name, name)
class VarHeapCombinedInputOutputBufferType(HeapInputOutputBufferType):
"""same as base class, but passed as (inoutbuffer, &size)"""
def passOutput(self, name):
return "(%s *)memcpy(%s__out__, %s__in__, &%s__len__)" % \
(self.datatype, name, name, name)
class HeapOutputBufferType(OutputOnlyMixIn, HeapInputOutputBufferType):
"""Output buffer allocated on the heap -- passed as (buffer, size).
Instantiate without parameters.
Call from Python with buffer size.
def declareInputBuffer(self, name):
def getargsFormat(self):
return self.sizeformat
def getargsArgs(self, name):
return "&%s__len__" % name
def passOutput(self, name):
return "%s__out__, %s__len__" % (name, name)
class VarHeapOutputBufferType(HeapOutputBufferType):
"""Output buffer allocated on the heap -- passed as (buffer, &size).
Instantiate without parameters.
Call from Python with buffer size.
def passOutput(self, name):
return "%s__out__, &%s__len__" % (name, name)
class VarVarHeapOutputBufferType(VarHeapOutputBufferType):
"""Output buffer allocated on the heap -- passed as (buffer, size, &size).
Instantiate without parameters.
Call from Python with buffer size.
def passOutput(self, name):
return "%s__out__, %s__len__, &%s__len__" % (name, name, name)
......@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ class Module(GeneratorGroup):
def __init__(self, name, prefix = None,
includestuff = None,
initstuff = None,
preinitstuff = None):
finalstuff = None,
initstuff = None):
GeneratorGroup.__init__(self, prefix or name) = name
self.includestuff = includestuff
self.initstuff = initstuff
self.preinitstuff = preinitstuff
self.finalstuff = finalstuff
def addobject(self, od):
......@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ class Module(GeneratorGroup):
if self.preinitstuff:
if self.finalstuff:
Output("%s", self.preinitstuff)
Output("%s", self.finalstuff)
Output("void init%s()",
......@@ -56,12 +56,17 @@ class Module(GeneratorGroup):
Output("static PyObject *%s;", self.errorname)
def createModuleVariables(self):
Output("""if ((%s = PyString_FromString("%s.Error")) == NULL ||""",
Output("""%s = %s;""", self.errorname, self.exceptionInitializer())
Output("""if (%s == NULL ||""", self.errorname)
Output(""" PyDict_SetItemString(d, "Error", %s) != 0)""",
Output("""Py_FatalError("can't initialize %s.Error");""",
def exceptionInitializer(self):
return """PyString_FromString("%s.Error")""" %
def _test():
......@@ -2,15 +2,25 @@ from bgenOutput import *
from bgenGeneratorGroup import GeneratorGroup
class ObjectDefinition(GeneratorGroup):
"Spit out code that together defines a new Python object type"
def __init__(self, name, prefix, itselftype):
import string
"""ObjectDefinition constructor. May be extended, but do not override.
- name: the object's official name, e.g. 'SndChannel'.
- prefix: the prefix used for the object's functions and data, e.g. 'SndCh'.
- itselftype: the C type actually contained in the object, e.g. 'SndChannelPtr'.
XXX For official Python data types, rules for the 'Py' prefix are a problem.
GeneratorGroup.__init__(self, prefix or name) = name
self.itselftype = itselftype
self.objecttype = name + 'Object'
self.typename = name + '_Type'
self.argref = "" # set to "*" if arg to <type>_New should be pointer
self.static = "static " # set to "" to make <type>_New and <type>_Convert public
def add(self, g):
g.setselftype(self.objecttype, self.itselftype)
......@@ -25,17 +35,18 @@ class ObjectDefinition(GeneratorGroup):
OutHeader2("Object type " +
Output("staticforward PyTypeObject %s;", self.typename)
sf = self.static and "staticforward "
Output("%sPyTypeObject %s;", sf, self.typename)
Output("#define %s_Check(x) ((x)->ob_type == &%s)",
self.prefix, self.typename)
Output("typedef struct {")
Output("typedef struct %s {", self.objecttype)
Output("%s ob_itself;", self.itselftype)
Output("} %s;", self.objecttype)
......@@ -56,8 +67,11 @@ class ObjectDefinition(GeneratorGroup):
OutHeader2("End object type " +
def outputStructMembers(self):
Output("%s ob_itself;", self.itselftype)
def outputNew(self):
Output("static PyObject *%s_New(itself)", self.prefix)
Output("%sPyObject *%s_New(itself)", self.static, self.prefix)
Output("const %s %sitself;", self.itselftype, self.argref)
......@@ -66,28 +80,36 @@ class ObjectDefinition(GeneratorGroup):
Output("it = PyObject_NEW(%s, &%s);", self.objecttype, self.typename)
Output("if (it == NULL) return NULL;")
Output("it->ob_itself = %sitself;", self.argref)
Output("return (PyObject *)it;")
def outputInitStructMembers(self):
Output("it->ob_itself = %sitself;", self.argref)
def outputCheckNewArg(self):
"Override this method to apply additional checks/conversions"
def outputConvert(self):
static int %(prefix)s_Convert(v, p_itself)
PyObject *v;
%(itselftype)s *p_itself;
if (v == NULL || !%(prefix)s_Check(v)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "%(name)s required");
return 0;
*p_itself = ((%(objecttype)s *)v)->ob_itself;
return 1;
""" % self.__dict__)
Output("%s%s_Convert(v, p_itself)", self.static, self.prefix)
Output("PyObject *v;")
Output("%s *p_itself;", self.itselftype)
Output("if (!%s_Check(v))", self.prefix)
Output('PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "%s required");',
Output("return 0;")
Output("*p_itself = ((%s *)v)->ob_itself;", self.objecttype)
Output("return 1;")
def outputCheckConvertArg(self):
"Override this method to apply additional conversions"
def outputDealloc(self):
Output("static void %s_dealloc(self)", self.prefix)
......@@ -95,11 +117,14 @@ static int %(prefix)s_Convert(v, p_itself)
Output("%s *self;", self.objecttype)
def outputCleanupStructMembers(self):
def outputFreeIt(self, name):
Output("/* Cleanup of %s goes here */", name)
......@@ -126,7 +151,7 @@ static int %(prefix)s_Convert(v, p_itself)
def outputTypeObject(self):
Output("static PyTypeObject %s = {", self.typename)
Output("%sPyTypeObject %s = {", self.static, self.typename)
Output("0, /*ob_size*/")
......@@ -140,3 +165,11 @@ static int %(prefix)s_Convert(v, p_itself)
Output("(setattrfunc) %s_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/", self.prefix)
class GlobalObjectDefinition(ObjectDefinition):
"Same as ObjectDefinition but exports its New and Create methods"
def __init__(self, name, prefix = None, itselftype = None):
ObjectDefinition.__init__(self, name, prefix or name, itselftype or name)
self.static = ""
......@@ -2,20 +2,41 @@
This should really be a class, but then everybody would be passing
the output object to each other. I chose for the simpler approach
of a module with a global variable. Use SetOutputFile() to change
the output file.
of a module with a global variable. Use SetOutputFile() or
SetOutputFileName() to change the output file.
def SetOutputFile(file = None):
"""Call this with an open file object to make that the output file.
_NeedClose = 0
Call it without arguments to reset the output file to sys.stdout.
def SetOutputFile(file = None, needclose = 0):
"""Call this with an open file object to make it the output file.
Call it without arguments to close the current file (if necessary)
and reset it to sys.stdout.
If the second argument is true, the new file will be explicitly closed
on a subsequence call.
global _File
global _File, _NeedClose
if _NeedClose:
tmp = _File
_NeedClose = 0
_File = None
if file is None:
import sys
file = sys.stdout
_File = file
_NeedClose = file and needclose
def SetOutputFileName(filename = None):
"""Call this with a filename to make it the output file.
Call it without arguments to close the current file (if necessary)
and reset it to sys.stdout.
if filename:
SetOutputFile(open(filename, 'w'), 1)
SetOutputFile() # Initialize _File
......@@ -34,7 +55,10 @@ def SetLevel(level):
_Level = level
def Output(format = "", *args):
"""Call this with a format string and arguments for the format.
VaOutput(format, args)
def VaOutput(format, args):
"""Call this with a format string and and argument tuple for the format.
A newline is always added. Each line in the output is indented
to the proper indentation level -- even if the result of the
......@@ -64,15 +88,38 @@ def IndentLevel(by = 1):
_Level = _Level + by
def DedentLevel(by = 1):
"""Decfrement the indentation level by one.
"""Decrement the indentation level by one.
When called with an argument, subtracts it from the indentation level.
def OutLbrace():
"""Output a '{' on a line by itself and increase the indentation level."""
def OutIndent(format = "", *args):
"""Combine Output() followed by IndentLevel().
If no text is given, acts like lone IndentLevel().
if format: VaOutput(format, args)
def OutDedent(format = "", *args):
"""Combine Output() followed by DedentLevel().
If no text is given, acts like loneDedentLevel().
if format: VaOutput(format, args)
def OutLbrace(format = "", *args):
"""Like Output, but add a '{' and increase the indentation level.
If no text is given a lone '{' is output.
if format:
format = format + " {"
format = "{"
VaOutput(format, args)
def OutRbrace():
......@@ -95,22 +142,67 @@ def OutHeader2(text):
"""Output a level 2 header comment (uses '-' dashes)."""
OutHeader(text, "-")
def Out(text):
"""Output multiline text that's internally indented.
Pass this a multiline character string. The whitespace before the
first nonblank line of the string will be subtracted from all lines.
The lines are then output using Output(), but without interpretation
of formatting (if you need formatting you can do it before the call).
Recommended use:
int main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv;
printf("Hello, world\\n");
Caveat: the indentation must be consistent -- if you use three tabs
in the first line, (up to) three tabs are removed from following lines,
but a line beginning with 24 spaces is not trimmed at all. Don't use
this as a feature.
# (Don't you love using triple quotes *inside* triple quotes? :-)
import string
lines = string.splitfields(text, '\n')
indent = ""
for line in lines:
if string.strip(line):
for c in line:
if c not in string.whitespace:
indent = indent + c
n = len(indent)
for line in lines:
if line[:n] == indent:
line = line[n:]
for c in indent:
if line[:1] <> c: break
line = line[1:]
VaOutput("%s", line)
def _test():
"""Test program. Run when the module is run as a script."""
OutHeader1("test bgenOutput")
#include <Python.h>
#include <stdio.h>
Output("main(argc, argv)")
#include <Python.h>
#include <stdio.h>
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
int i;
Output("int argc;")
Output("char **argv;")
Output("int i;")
/* Here are a few comment lines.
Just to test indenting multiple lines.
"""Buffers allocated on the stack."""
from bgenBuffer import FixedInputBufferType, FixedOutputBufferType
class StackOutputBufferType(FixedOutputBufferType):
"""Fixed output buffer allocated on the stack -- passed as (buffer, size).
Instantiate with the buffer size as parameter.
def passOutput(self, name):
return "%s__out__, %s" % (name, self.size)
class VarStackOutputBufferType(StackOutputBufferType):
"""Output buffer allocated on the stack -- passed as (buffer, &size).
Instantiate with the buffer size as parameter.
def declareSize(self, name):
Output("int %s__len__ = %s;", name, self.size)
def passOutput(self, name):
return "%s__out__, &%s__len__" % (name, name)
def mkvalueArgs(self, name):
return "%s__out__, %s__len__" % (name, name)
class VarVarStackOutputBufferType(VarStackOutputBufferType):
"""Output buffer allocated on the stack -- passed as (buffer, size, &size).
Instantiate with the buffer size as parameter.
def passOutput(self, name):
return "%s__out__, %s__len__, &%s__len__" % (name, name, name)
class ReturnVarStackOutputBufferType(VarStackOutputBufferType):
"""Output buffer allocated on the stack -- passed as (buffer, size) -> size.
Instantiate with the buffer size as parameter.
The function's return value is the size.
(XXX Should have a way to suppress returning it separately, too.)
def passOutput(self, name):
return "%s__out__, %s__len__" % (name, name)
def mkvalueArgs(self, name):
return "%s__out__, _rv" % name
"""Buffers used to hold null-terminated strings."""
from bgenBuffer import FixedOutputBufferType
from bgenStackBuffer import StackOutputBufferType
from bgenHeapBuffer import HeapOutputBufferType
class StringBufferMixIn:
"""Mix-in class to create various string buffer types.
Strings are character arrays terminated by a null byte.
(For input, this is also covered by stringptr.)
For output, there are again three variants:
- Fixed: size is a constant given in the documentation; or
- Stack: size is passed to the C function but we decide on a size at
code generation time so we can still allocate on the heap); or
- Heap: size is passed to the C function and we let the Python caller
pass a size.
(Note that this doesn't cover output parameters in which a string
pointer is returned. These are actually easier (no allocation) but far
less common. I'll write the classes when there is demand.)
def declareSize(self, name):
def getargsFormat(self):
return "s"
def getargsArgs(self, name):
return "&%s__in__" % name
def mkvalueFormat(self):
return "s"
def mkvalueArgs(self, name):
return "%s__out__" % name
class FixedOutputStringType(StringBufferMixIn, FixedOutputBufferType):
"""Null-terminated output string -- passed without size.
Instantiate with buffer size as parameter.
class StackOutputStringType(StringBufferMixIn, StackOutputBufferType):
"""Null-terminated output string -- passed as (buffer, size).
Instantiate with buffer size as parameter.
class HeapOutputStringType(StringBufferMixIn, HeapOutputBufferType):
"""Null-terminated output string -- passed as (buffer, size).
Instantiate without parameters.
Call from Python with buffer size.
This diff is collapsed.
"""Variables, arguments and argument transfer modes etc."""
# Values to represent argument transfer modes
InMode = 1 # input-only argument
OutMode = 2 # output-only argument
InOutMode = 3 # input-output argument
ModeMask = 3 # bits to keep for mode
# Special cases for mode/flags argument
# XXX This is still a mess!
SelfMode = 4+InMode # this is 'self' -- don't declare it
ReturnMode = 8+OutMode # this is the function return value
ErrorMode = 16+OutMode # this is an error status -- turn it into an exception
class Variable:
"""A Variable holds a type, a name, a transfer mode and flags.
Most of its methods call the correponding type method with the
variable name.
def __init__(self, type, name = None, flags = InMode):
"""Call with a type, a name and flags.
If name is None, it muse be set later.
flags defaults to InMode.
self.type = type = name
self.flags = flags
self.mode = flags & ModeMask
def declare(self):
"""Declare the variable if necessary.
If it is "self", it is not declared.
if self.flags != SelfMode:
def getargsFormat(self):
"""Call the type's getargsFormatmethod."""
return self.type.getargsFormat()
def getargsArgs(self):
"""Call the type's getargsArgsmethod."""
return self.type.getargsArgs(
def getargsCheck(self):
return self.type.getargsCheck(
def passArgument(self):
"""Return the string required to pass the variable as argument.
For "in" arguments, return the variable name.
For "out" and "in out" arguments,
return its name prefixed with "&".
if self.mode == InMode:
return self.type.passInput(
if self.mode in (OutMode, InOutMode):
return self.type.passOutput(
# XXX Shouldn't get here
return "/*mode?*/" + self.type.passInput(
def errorCheck(self):
"""Check for an error if necessary.
This only generates code if the variable's mode is ErrorMode.
if self.flags == ErrorMode:
def mkvalueFormat (self):
"""Call the type's mkvalueFormat method."""
return self.type.mkvalueFormat()
def mkvalueArgs(self):
"""Call the type's mkvalueArgs method."""
return self.type.mkvalueArgs(
def cleanup(self):
"""Call the type's cleanup method."""
return self.type.cleanup(
Augment the "bgen" package with definitions that are useful on the Apple Macintosh.
Intended usage is "from macsupport import *" -- this implies all bgen's goodies.
# Import everything from bgen (for ourselves as well as for re-export)
from bgen import *
# Simple types
Boolean = Type("Boolean", "b")
SignedByte = Type("SignedByte", "b")
ScriptCode = Type("ScriptCode", "h")
Size = Type("Size", "l")
Style = Type("Style", "b")
# Pascal strings
ConstStr255Param = OpaqueArrayType("Str255", "PyMac_BuildStr255", "PyMac_GetStr255")
Str255 = OpaqueArrayType("Str255", "PyMac_BuildStr255", "PyMac_GetStr255")
# File System Specifications
FSSpec_ptr = OpaqueType("FSSpec", "PyMac_BuildFSSpec", "PyMac_GetFSSpec")
# OSType and ResType: 4-byte character strings
def OSTypeType(typename):
return OpaqueByValueType(typename, "PyMac_BuildOSType", "PyMac_GetOSType")
OSType = OSTypeType("OSType")
ResType = OSTypeType("ResType")
# Handles (always resources in our case)
Handle = OpaqueByValueType("Handle", "ResObj")
MenuHandle = OpaqueByValueType("MenuHandle", "MenuObj")
ControlHandle = OpaqueByValueType("ControlHandle", "CtlObj")
# Windows and Dialogs
WindowPtr = OpaqueByValueType("WindowPtr", "WinObj")
DialogPtr = OpaqueByValueType("DialogPtr", "DlgObj")
# NULL pointer passed in as optional storage -- not present in Python version
NullStorage = FakeType("(void *)0")
# Quickdraw data types
Rect = Rect_ptr = OpaqueType("Rect", "PyMac_BuildRect", "PyMac_GetRect")
Point = OpaqueByValueType("Point", "PyMac_BuildPoint", "PyMac_GetPoint")
# Event records
EventRecord = OpaqueType("EventRecord", "PyMac_BuildEventRecord", "PyMac_GetEventRecord")
EventRecord_ptr = EventRecord
# OSErr is special because it is turned into an exception
# (Could do this with less code using a variant of mkvalue("O&")?)
class OSErrType(Type):
def errorCheck(self, name):
Output("if (%s != noErr) return PyMac_Error(%s);", name, name)
self.used = 1
OSErr = OSErrType("OSErr", 'h')
# Various buffer types
InBuffer = VarInputBufferType('char', 'long', 'l') # (buf, len)
InOutBuffer = HeapInputOutputBufferType('char', 'long', 'l') # (inbuf, outbuf, len)
VarInOutBuffer = VarHeapInputOutputBufferType('char', 'long', 'l') # (inbuf, outbuf, &len)
OutBuffer = HeapOutputBufferType('char', 'long', 'l') # (buf, len)
VarOutBuffer = VarHeapOutputBufferType('char', 'long', 'l') # (buf, &len)
VarVarOutBuffer = VarVarHeapOutputBufferType('char', 'long', 'l') # (buf, len, &len)
# Predefine various pieces of program text to be passed to Module() later:
# Stuff added immediately after the system include files
includestuff = """
#define SystemSevenOrLater 1
#include "macglue.h"
#include <Memory.h>
#include <Dialogs.h>
#include <Menus.h>
#include <Controls.h>
extern PyObject *ResObj_New(Handle);
extern int ResObj_Convert(PyObject *, Handle *);
extern PyObject *WinObj_New(WindowPtr);
extern int WinObj_Convert(PyObject *, WindowPtr *);
extern PyObject *DlgObj_New(DialogPtr);
extern int DlgObj_Convert(PyObject *, DialogPtr *);
extern PyTypeObject Dialog_Type;
#define DlgObj_Check(x) ((x)->ob_type == &Dialog_Type)
extern PyObject *MenuObj_New(MenuHandle);
extern int MenuObj_Convert(PyObject *, MenuHandle *);
extern PyObject *CtlObj_New(ControlHandle);
extern int CtlObj_Convert(PyObject *, ControlHandle *);
# Stuff added just before the module's init function
finalstuff = """
# Stuff added inside the module's init function
initstuff = """
# Generator classes with a twist -- if the function returns OSErr,
# its mode is manipulated so that it turns into an exception or disappears
# (and its name is changed to _err, for documentation purposes).
# This requires that the OSErr type (defined above) has a non-trivial
# errorCheck method.
class OSErrMixIn:
"Mix-in class to treat OSErr return values special"
def makereturnvar(self):
if self.returntype is OSErr:
return Variable(self.returntype, "_err", ErrorMode)
return Variable(self.returntype, "_rv", OutMode)
class OSErrFunctionGenerator(OSErrMixIn, FunctionGenerator): pass
class OSErrMethodGenerator(OSErrMixIn, MethodGenerator): pass
class MacModule(Module):
"Subclass which gets the exception initializer from macglue.c"
def exceptionInitializer(self):
return "PyMac_GetOSErrException()"
_SetOutputFileName = SetOutputFileName # Save original
def SetOutputFileName(file = None):
"Set the output file name and set its creator&type to KAHL&TEXT"
if file:
import MacOS
MacOS.SetCreatorAndType(file, 'KAHL', 'TEXT')
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