Commit 0739c44b authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Suppress more online-only navigation in the printed HTML.

parent ecbfceb3
......@@ -146,5 +146,5 @@ div.note .label { margin-right: 0.5em;
* Some specialization for printed output.
@media print {
#bottom-navigation-panel { display: none; }
.online-navigation { display: none; }
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ $BOTTOM_NAVIGATION = 1;
$CHILDLINE = "\n<p></p><hr />\n";
$CHILDLINE = "\n<p><br /></p><hr class='online-navigation' />\n";
# default # of columns for the indexes
......@@ -180,20 +180,23 @@ sub make_nav_panel() {
$s = ('<table align="center" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2">'
. "\n<tr>"
# left-hand side
. "\n<td>$PREVIOUS</td>"
. "\n<td>$UP</td>"
. "\n<td>$NEXT</td>"
. "\n<td class='online-navigation'>$PREVIOUS</td>"
. "\n<td class='online-navigation'>$UP</td>"
. "\n<td class='online-navigation'>$NEXT</td>"
# title box
. "\n<td align=\"center\" width=\"100%\">$t_title</td>"
# right-hand side
. "\n<td>$CONTENTS</td>"
. "\n<td>$CUSTOM_BUTTONS</td>" # module index
. "\n<td>$INDEX</td>"
. "\n<td class='online-navigation'>$CONTENTS</td>"
# module index
. "\n<td class='online-navigation'>$CUSTOM_BUTTONS</td>"
. "\n<td class='online-navigation'>$INDEX</td>"
. "\n</tr></table>\n"
# textual navigation
. "<div class='online-navigation'>\n"
. make_nav_sectref("Previous", "prev", $PREVIOUS_TITLE)
. make_nav_sectref("Up", "parent", $UP_TITLE)
. make_nav_sectref("Next", "next", $NEXT_TITLE)
. "</div>\n"
# remove these; they are unnecessary and cause errors from validation
$s =~ s/ NAME="tex2html\d+"\n */ /g;
......@@ -205,6 +208,9 @@ sub add_child_links {
$toc =~ s|\s*</[aA]>|</a>|g;
$toc =~ s/ NAME=\"tex2html\d+\"\s*href=/ href=/gi;
$toc =~ s|</UL>(\s*<BR( /)?>)?|</ul>|gi;
if ($toc =~ / NAME=["']CHILD_LINKS["']/) {
return "<div class='online-navigation'>\n$toc</div>\n";
return $toc;
......@@ -233,7 +239,7 @@ sub top_navigation_panel() {
sub bot_navigation_panel() {
return "\n<div id='bottom-navigation-panel'>\n"
return "\n<div class='online-navigation'>\n"
. "<p></p><hr />\n"
. make_nav_panel()
. "</div>\n"
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