Commit 077fffa8 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

The letter headings must be requested explicitly with --letters.

parent aa3f9fb7
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ def split_letters(nodes):
# need a function to separate the nodes into columns...
def split_columns(nodes, columns=1):
if columns <= 1:
return (nodes,)
return [nodes]
# This is a rough height; we may have to increase to avoid breaks before
# a subitem.
colheight = len(nodes) / columns
......@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ def split_columns(nodes, columns=1):
start = i * colheight
end = start + colheight
return tuple(cols)
return cols
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ def format_letter(letter):
% (letter, lettername)
def format_html(nodes, columns=1):
def format_html_letters(nodes, columns=1):
letter_groups = split_letters(nodes)
items = []
for letter, nodes in letter_groups:
......@@ -261,6 +261,9 @@ def format_html(nodes, columns=1):
s.append(format_nodes(nodes, columns))
return string.join(s, '')
def format_html(nodes, columns):
return format_nodes(nodes, columns)
def collapse(nodes):
"""Collapse sequences of nodes with matching keys into a single node.
......@@ -289,12 +292,16 @@ def main():
ifn = "-"
ofn = "-"
columns = 1
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "c:o:", ["columns=", "output="])
letters = 0
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "c:lo:",
["columns=", "letters", "output="])
for opt, val in opts:
if opt in ("-o", "--output"):
ofn = val
elif opt in ("-c", "--columns"):
columns = string.atoi(val)
elif opt in ("-l", "--letters"):
letters = 1
if not args:
args = [ifn]
nodes = []
......@@ -302,7 +309,10 @@ def main():
nodes = nodes + load(open(fn))
html = format_html(nodes, columns)
if letters:
html = format_html_letters(nodes, columns)
html = format_html(nodes, columns)
if ofn == "-":
Markdown is supported
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