Commit 07ba305a authored by Terry Jan Reedy's avatar Terry Jan Reedy Committed by GitHub

bpo-30993: IDLE - Improve configdialog font page and tests. (#2818)

* Document causal event pathways in docstring.
* Simplify some attribute names.
* Rename test_bold_toggle_set_samples to make test_font_set fail.
* Fix test_font_set so not order dependent.
* Fix renamed test_indent_scale so it tests the widget.
parent 3051f0b7
......@@ -153,70 +153,73 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
def create_page_font_tab(self):
"""Return frame of widgets for Font/Tabs tab.
Enable users to provisionally change font face, size, or
Fonts: Enable users to provisionally change font face, size, or
boldness and to see the consequence of proposed choices. Each
action set 3 options in changes structuree and changes the
corresponding aspect of the font sample on this page and
highlight sample on highlight page.
Enable users to change spaces entered for indent tabs.
Fontlist: mouse button 1 click or up or down key invoke
on_fontlist_select(), which sets Var font_name and calls
Tk Variables:
font_name: Font face.
font_size: Font size.
font_bold: Select font bold or not.
Note: these 3 share var_changed_font callback.
space_num: Indentation width.
Sizelist: clicking the menubutton opens the dropdown menu. A
mouse button 1 click or return key invokes an internal command
which sets Var font_size and calls set_samples.
Data Attribute:
edit_font: Font with default font name, size, and weight.
Bold_toggle, clicking the box toggles font_bold and calls
load_font_cfg: Set vars and fontlist.
on_fontlist_select: Bound to fontlist button release
or key release.
set_samples: Notify both samples of any font change.
load_tab_cfg: Get current.
Setting any of the font vars invokes var_changed_font, which
adds all 3 font options to changes. Set_samples applies a new
font constructed from the font vars to font_sample and
highlight_sample on the hightlight page.
Tabs: Enable users to change spaces entered for indent tabs.
Changing indent_scale value with the mouse sets Var space_num,
which invokes var_changed_space_num, which adds an entry to
Load_font_cfg and load_tab_cfg initialize vars and widgets from
idleConf entries.
Widget Structure: (*) widgets bound to self
frame (of tab_pages)
frame_font: LabelFrame
frame_font_name: Frame
font_name_title: Label
(*)fontlist: ListBox
(*)fontlist: ListBox - font_name
scroll_font: Scrollbar
frame_font_param: Frame
font_size_title: Label
(*)opt_menu_font_size: DynOptionMenu - font_size
(*)sizelist: DynOptionMenu - font_size
(*)bold_toggle: Checkbutton - font_bold
frame_font_sample: Frame
(*)font_sample: Label
frame_indent: LabelFrame
frame_indent_size: Frame
indent_size_title: Label
(*)scale_indent_size: Scale - space_num
indent_title: Label
(*)indent_scale: Scale - space_num
parent = self.parent
self.font_name = StringVar(parent)
self.font_size = StringVar(parent)
self.font_bold = BooleanVar(parent)
self.space_num = IntVar(parent)
self.edit_font = tkFont.Font(parent, ('courier', 10, 'normal'))
# Create widgets.
# Create widgets:
# body and body section frames.
frame = self.tab_pages.pages['Fonts/Tabs'].frame
frame_font = LabelFrame(
frame, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE, text=' Base Editor Font ')
frame_indent = LabelFrame(
frame, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE, text=' Indentation Width ')
# frame_font
# frame_font.
frame_font_name = Frame(frame_font)
frame_font_param = Frame(frame_font)
font_name_title = Label(
frame_font_name, justify=LEFT, text='Font Face :')
self.fontlist = Listbox(
frame_font_name, height=5, takefocus=FALSE, exportselection=FALSE)
self.fontlist = Listbox(frame_font_name, height=5,
takefocus=FALSE, exportselection=FALSE)
self.fontlist.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.on_fontlist_select)
self.fontlist.bind('<KeyRelease-Up>', self.on_fontlist_select)
self.fontlist.bind('<KeyRelease-Down>', self.on_fontlist_select)
......@@ -224,43 +227,43 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
font_size_title = Label(frame_font_param, text='Size :')
self.opt_menu_font_size = DynOptionMenu(
frame_font_param, self.font_size, None, command=self.set_samples)
self.sizelist = DynOptionMenu(frame_font_param, self.font_size,
None, command=self.set_samples)
self.bold_toggle = Checkbutton(
frame_font_param, variable=self.font_bold, onvalue=1,
offvalue=0, text='Bold', command=self.set_samples)
frame_font_sample = Frame(frame_font, relief=SOLID, borderwidth=1)
temp_font = tkFont.Font(parent, ('courier', 10, 'normal'))
self.font_sample = Label(
frame_font_sample, justify=LEFT, font=self.edit_font,
frame_font_sample, justify=LEFT, font=temp_font,
# frame_indent
frame_indent_size = Frame(frame_indent)
indent_size_title = Label(
frame_indent_size, justify=LEFT,
# frame_indent.
indent_title = Label(
frame_indent, justify=LEFT,
text='Python Standard: 4 Spaces!')
self.scale_indent_size = Scale(
frame_indent_size, variable=self.space_num,
self.indent_scale = Scale(
frame_indent, variable=self.space_num,
orient='horizontal', tickinterval=2, from_=2, to=16)
# Pack widgets.
# body
# Pack widgets:
# body.
frame_font.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH)
frame_indent.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5, fill=Y)
# frame_font
# frame_font.
frame_font_name.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, fill=X)
frame_font_param.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, fill=X)
font_name_title.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
self.fontlist.pack(side=LEFT, expand=TRUE, fill=X)
scroll_font.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y)
font_size_title.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W)
self.opt_menu_font_size.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W)
self.sizelist.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W)
self.bold_toggle.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W, padx=20)
frame_font_sample.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH)
self.font_sample.pack(expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH)
# frame_indent
frame_indent_size.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
indent_size_title.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W, padx=5)
self.scale_indent_size.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, fill=X)
# frame_indent.
frame_indent.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
indent_title.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W, padx=5)
self.indent_scale.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, fill=X)
return frame
......@@ -1410,7 +1413,7 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
Attributes updated:
fontlist: Populate with fonts from tkinter.font.
font_name: Set to current font.
opt_menu_font_size: Populate valid options tuple and set
sizelist: Populate valid options tuple and set
to current size.
font_bold: Set to current font weight.
......@@ -1437,9 +1440,9 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
except ValueError:
# Set font size dropdown.
self.opt_menu_font_size.SetMenu(('7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13',
'14', '16', '18', '20', '22',
'25', '29', '34', '40'), font_size )
self.sizelist.SetMenu(('7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14',
'16', '18', '20', '22', '25', '29', '34', '40'),
# Set font weight.
# Set font sample.
......@@ -59,25 +59,28 @@ class FontTabTest(unittest.TestCase):
default_font = idleConf.GetFont(root, 'main', 'EditorWindow')
default_size = str(default_font[1])
default_bold = default_font[2] == 'bold'
dialog.font_name.set('Test Font')
d = dialog
d.font_name.set('Test Font')
expected = {'EditorWindow': {'font': 'Test Font',
'font-size': default_size,
'font-bold': str(default_bold)}}
self.assertEqual(mainpage, expected)
expected = {'EditorWindow': {'font': 'Test Font',
'font-size': '20',
'font-bold': str(default_bold)}}
self.assertEqual(mainpage, expected)
dialog.font_bold.set(not default_bold)
d.font_bold.set(not default_bold)
expected = {'EditorWindow': {'font': 'Test Font',
'font-size': '20',
'font-bold': str(not default_bold)}}
self.assertEqual(mainpage, expected)
def test_set_samples_bold_toggle(self):
def test_bold_toggle_set_samples(self):
# Set up.
d = dialog
d.font_sample, d.highlight_sample = {}, {} # Must undo this.
......@@ -91,7 +94,7 @@ class FontTabTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertTrue(d.font_sample == d.highlight_sample == expected1)
# Test bold_toggle.
# Test bold_toggle. If this fails, problem precedes set_samples.
self.assertTrue(d.font_sample == d.highlight_sample == expected0)
......@@ -102,9 +105,10 @@ class FontTabTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Clean up.
del d.font_sample, d.highlight_sample
def test_tabspace(self):
self.assertEqual(mainpage, {'Indent': {'num-spaces': '6'}})
def test_indent_scale(self):
self.assertEqual(dialog.space_num.get(), 16)
self.assertEqual(mainpage, {'Indent': {'num-spaces': '16'}})
class FontSelectTest(unittest.TestCase):
IDLE - Improve configdialog font page and tests.
* Document causal pathways in docstring. * Simplify some attribute names. *
Rename test_bold_toggle_set_samples to make test_font_set fail. * Fix
test_font_set so not order dependent. * Fix renamed test_indent_scale so it
tests the widget.
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