Commit 096c1a0f authored by Barry Warsaw's avatar Barry Warsaw

Simplification of conversion routines

parent 698bd943
......@@ -15,10 +15,13 @@ Supporte file types are:
import sys
import re
from types import *
class BadColor(Exception):
# generic class
class ColorDB:
......@@ -80,10 +83,11 @@ class ColorDB:
except KeyError:
raise BadColor(name)
def nearest(self, red, green, blue):
def nearest(self, rgbtuple):
# TBD: use Voronoi diagrams, Delaunay triangulation, or octree for
# speeding up the locating of nearest point. This is really
# inefficient!
red, green, blue = rgbtuple
nearest = -1
nearest_name = ''
for name, aliases in self.__byrrggbb.values():
......@@ -132,6 +136,9 @@ def get_colordb(file, filetype=X_RGB_TXT):
if fp:
# save a global copy
DEFAULT_DB = colordb
return colordb
......@@ -141,28 +148,20 @@ def rrggbb_to_triplet(color):
if color[0] <> '#':
raise BadColor(color)
zero = ord('0')
a = ord('a')
A = ord('A')
def _hexchar(c, zero=zero, a=a, A=A):
v = ord(c)
if v >= zero and v <= zero+9:
return v - zero
elif v >= a and v <= a+26:
return v - a + 10
elif v >= A and v <= A+26:
return v - A + 10
raise BadColor
red = color[1:3]
green = color[3:5]
blue = color[5:7]
return tuple(map(lambda v: string.atoi(v, 16), (red, green, blue)))
digits = map(_hexchar, color[1:])
except BadColor:
raise BadColor(color)
red = digits[0] * 16 + digits[1]
green = digits[2] * 16 + digits[3]
blue = digits[4] * 16 + digits[5]
return (red, green, blue)
def triplet_to_rrggbb(rgbtuple):
"""Converts a (red, green, blue) tuple to #rrggbb."""
def hexify(v):
hexstr = hex(v)[2:4]
if len(hexstr) < 2:
hexstr = '0' + hexstr
return hexstr
return '#%s%s%s' % tuple(map(hexify, rgbtuple))
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