Commit 0abca3bf authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Release notes for 2.0b1. It is not much, but I can't find all the info back:-(

parent 5488876f
Changes since 1.6a1
Changes in 2.0b1 since 1.5.2
- All core-Python changes, plus a few from after 1.6a2, approximately as the
Python CVS tree was at May 5.
- The threading performance bug has been fixed.
- Tkinter is included again (yeah!), but only lightly tested. Please report
findings to the mailing list.
- is auto-imported on startup (unless disabled with a new option).
This retrofits macfs.StandardGetFile() and friends to use Navigation Services
in stead of the old Standard File dialogs.
- I think all installer problems have been fixed. Please report if not so.
Unfortunately I have messed my administration up, so I can't give complete
Mac-specific release notes for the changes in this release. So, I will
have to leave it at the highlights:
- 68K support has been dropped, this release is PPC only.
- Threads support (through standard Python threads module).
- Appearance support through App module and added calls in many other modules.
- Navigation Services support, with macfs StandardFile calls transparently
replaced by their NavServices counterparts.
- Offscreen QuickDraw support through Qdoffs module.
- Drag manager support (Drag module).
- Much better CGI support, see :Mac:Tools:CGI.
- Better OSA/AppleEvent support.
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