Commit 0b1c3988 authored by Benjamin Peterson's avatar Benjamin Peterson


parent 7a46e7ab
......@@ -348,11 +348,10 @@ C-API
- Issue #8603: Create a bytes version of os.environ for Unix: create
os.environb mapping and os.getenvb() function, os.unsetenv() encodes str
argument to the file system encoding with the surrogateescape error handler
(instead of utf8/strict) and accepts bytes, and posix.environ keys and values
are bytes.
- Issue #8603: Support bytes environmental variables on Unix: Add os.environb
mapping and os.getenvb() function. os.unsetenv() encodes str argument to the
file system encoding with the surrogateescape error handler (instead of
utf8/strict) and accepts bytes. posix.environ keys and values are now bytes.
- Issue #8573: asyncore _strerror() function might throw ValueError.
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