Commit 0c6ccff9 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

An example of action-at-a-distance: fix the problems I had in

without touching or  The cause of the failure was that
bytes objects didn't pickle right.  As a stop-gap measure, I'm providing
bytes pickling via copy_reg.  Eventually, we should use a more efficient
protocol, e.g. __reduce_ex__ or __getstate__/__setstate__.
parent 406eb5e9
......@@ -23,18 +23,12 @@ def constructor(object):
if not callable(object):
raise TypeError("constructors must be callable")
# Example: provide pickling support for complex numbers.
# Example: provide pickling support for bytes objects.
except NameError:
def _pickle_bytes(b):
return bytes, (str(b),)
def pickle_complex(c):
return complex, (c.real, c.imag)
pickle(complex, pickle_complex, complex)
pickle(bytes, _pickle_bytes)
# Support for pickling new-style objects
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
import os
import re
import sys
import pickle
import cPickle
import tempfile
import unittest
import test.test_support
......@@ -633,6 +635,14 @@ class BytesTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(b.rpartition(b'ss'), (b'missi', b'ss', b'ippi'))
self.assertEqual(b.rpartition(b'i'), (b'mississipp', b'i', b''))
def test_pickling(self):
for pm in pickle, cPickle:
for proto in range(pm.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL):
for b in b"", b"a", b"abc", b"\xffab\x80", b"\0\0\377\0\0":
ps = pm.dumps(b, proto)
q = pm.loads(ps)
self.assertEqual(b, q)
# Optimizations:
# __iter__? (optimization)
# __reversed__? (optimization)
......@@ -640,8 +650,6 @@ class BytesTest(unittest.TestCase):
# XXX Some string methods? (Those that don't use character properties)
# lstrip, rstrip, strip?? (currently un-pepped)
# join
# XXX pickle and marshal support?
# There are tests in that are more
# comprehensive for things like split, partition, etc.
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