Commit 0c6de43d authored by Benjamin Peterson's avatar Benjamin Peterson

remove this test; a module level warning is enough

parent 86932148
......@@ -354,17 +354,6 @@ class TestStdlibRemovals(unittest.TestCase):
mod.walk("crashers", dumbo, None)
self.assertEquals(str(w.message), msg)
def test_commands_members(self):
import commands
# commands module tests may have already triggered this warning
members = {"mk2arg" : 2, "mkarg" : 1, "getstatus" : 1}
for name, arg_count in members.items():
with warnings.catch_warnings():
func = getattr(commands, name)
self.assertRaises(DeprecationWarning, func, *([None]*arg_count))
def test_reduce_move(self):
from operator import add
# reduce tests may have already triggered this warning
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