Commit 0c77cf15 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Additional rules to support the iSilo conversion.

parent 5a4bdb7b
......@@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ MKHTML= $(PYTHON) tools/mkhowto --html --about html/stdabout.dat \
--address $(PYTHONDOCS) --up-link ../index.html \
--up-title "Python Documentation Index" \
--global-module-index "../modindex.html"
MKISILOHTML=$(PYTHON) tools/mkhowto --html --about html/stdabout.dat \
--l2h-init perl/isilo.perl --numeric --split 1
MKISILO= iSilo386 -U -y -rCR -d0
MKPDF= $(PYTHON) ../tools/mkhowto --paper=$(PAPER) --pdf
MKPS= $(PYTHON) ../tools/mkhowto --paper=$(PAPER) --ps
......@@ -126,7 +129,7 @@ include Makefile.deps
# These must be declared phony since there
# are directories with matching names:
.PHONY: api doc ext lib mac ref tut inst dist
.PHONY: html info
.PHONY: html info isilo
# Main target
......@@ -290,6 +293,104 @@ dist html/dist/dist.html: $(DISTFILES) perl/distutils.perl
$(MKHTML) --dir html/dist --split 4 dist/dist.tex
# The iSilo format is used by the iSilo document reader for PalmOS devices.
ISILOINDEXFILES=isilo/api/api.html \
isilo/doc/doc.html \
isilo/ext/ext.html \
isilo/lib/lib.html \
isilo/mac/mac.html \
isilo/ref/ref.html \
isilo/tut/tut.html \
isilo/inst/inst.html \
$(ISILOINDEXFILES): $(COMMONPERL) html/about.dat perl/isilo.perl
isilo: isilo/python-api-$(RELEASE).pdb \
isilo/python-doc-$(RELEASE).pdb \
isilo/python-ext-$(RELEASE).pdb \
isilo/python-lib-$(RELEASE).pdb \
isilo/python-mac-$(RELEASE).pdb \
isilo/python-ref-$(RELEASE).pdb \
isilo/python-tut-$(RELEASE).pdb \
isilo/python-dist-$(RELEASE).pdb \
isilo/python-api-$(RELEASE).pdb: isilo/api/api.html
$(MKISILO) "-iPython/C API Reference Manual" \
isilo/api/api.html $@
isilo/python-doc-$(RELEASE).pdb: isilo/doc/doc.html
$(MKISILO) "-iDocumenting Python" \
isilo/doc/doc.html $@
isilo/python-ext-$(RELEASE).pdb: isilo/ext/ext.html
$(MKISILO) "-iExtending & Embedding Python" \
isilo/ext/ext.html $@
isilo/python-lib-$(RELEASE).pdb: isilo/lib/lib.html
$(MKISILO) "-iPython Library Reference" \
isilo/lib/lib.html $@
isilo/python-mac-$(RELEASE).pdb: isilo/mac/mac.html
$(MKISILO) "-iPython/C API Reference Manual" \
isilo/mac/mac.html $@
isilo/python-ref-$(RELEASE).pdb: isilo/ref/ref.html
$(MKISILO) "-iPython Reference Manual" \
isilo/ref/ref.html $@
isilo/python-tut-$(RELEASE).pdb: isilo/tut/tut.html
$(MKISILO) "-iPython Tutorial" \
isilo/tut/tut.html $@
isilo/python-dist-$(RELEASE).pdb: isilo/dist/dist.html
$(MKISILO) "-iDistributing Python Modules" \
isilo/dist/dist.html $@
isilo/python-inst-$(RELEASE).pdb: isilo/inst/inst.html
$(MKISILO) "-iInstalling Python Modules" \
isilo/inst/inst.html $@
isilo/api/api.html: $(APIFILES)
$(MKISILOHTML) --dir isilo/api api/api.tex
isilo/doc/doc.html: $(DOCFILES)
$(MKISILOHTML) --dir isilo/doc doc/doc.tex
isilo/ext/ext.html: $(EXTFILES)
$(MKISILOHTML) --dir isilo/ext ext/ext.tex
isilo/lib/lib.html: $(LIBFILES)
$(MKISILOHTML) --dir isilo/lib lib/lib.tex
isilo/mac/mac.html: $(MACFILES)
$(MKISILOHTML) --dir isilo/mac mac/mac.tex
isilo/ref/ref.html: $(REFFILES)
$(MKISILOHTML) --dir isilo/ref ref/ref.tex
isilo/tut/tut.html: $(TUTFILES)
$(MKISILOHTML) --dir isilo/tut tut/tut.tex
isilo/inst/inst.html: $(INSTFILES) perl/distutils.perl
$(MKISILOHTML) --dir isilo/inst inst/inst.tex
isilo/dist/dist.html: $(DISTFILES) perl/distutils.perl
$(MKISILOHTML) --dir isilo/dist dist/dist.tex
# These are useful if you need to transport the iSilo-ready HTML to
# another machine to perform the conversion:
isilozip: isilo-html-$(RELEASE).zip
isilo-html-$(RELEASE).zip: $(ISILOINDEXFILES)
rm -f $@
cd isilo && \
zip -q -9 ../$@ */*.css */*.html */*.txt
# webchecker needs an extra flag to process the huge index from the libref
WEBCHECKER=$(PYTHON) ../Tools/webchecker/
HTMLBASE= file:`pwd`/html
......@@ -382,6 +483,10 @@ html-$(RELEASE).zip: $(ALLHTMLFILES)
cd html && \
zip -q -9 ../$@ *.html */*.css */*.html */*.gif */*.txt
isilo-$(RELEASE).zip: isilo
cd isilo && zip -q -9 ../$@ python-*-$(RELEASE).pdb
# convenience targets:
tarhtml: html-$(RELEASE).tgz
......@@ -396,6 +501,7 @@ ziphtml: html-$(RELEASE).zip
zipps: postscript-$(PAPER)-$(RELEASE).zip
zippdf: pdf-$(PAPER)-$(RELEASE).zip
ziplatex: latex-$(RELEASE).zip
zipisilo: isilo-$(RELEASE).zip
zips: zippdf zipps ziphtml
......@@ -441,5 +547,8 @@ clobber:
rm -rf html/index.html html/modindex.html html/acks.html
rm -rf html/api/ html/doc/ html/ext/ html/lib/ html/mac/
rm -rf html/ref/ html/tut/ html/inst/ html/dist/
rm -rf isilo/api/ isilo/doc/ isilo/ext/ isilo/lib/ isilo/mac/
rm -rf isilo/ref/ isilo/tut/ isilo/inst/ isilo/dist/
rm -f isilo/python-*-$(RELEASE).pdb isilo-$(RELEASE).zip
realclean distclean: clobber
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