Commit 0d1bb8f1 authored by Thomas Heller's avatar Thomas Heller

The binary layout of cfgdata has changed, so the magic number has to

change as well.  Add a comment explaining this.
parent 325444ca
......@@ -253,8 +253,14 @@ class bdist_wininst (Command):
# empty pre-install script
cfgdata = cfgdata + "\0"
# The 'magic number' 0x1234567B is used to make sure that the
# binary layout of 'cfgdata' is what the wininst.exe binary
# expects. If the layout changes, increment that number, make
# the corresponding changes to the wininst.exe sources, and
# recompile them.
header = struct.pack("<iii",
0x1234567A, # tag
0x1234567B, # tag
len(cfgdata), # length
bitmaplen, # number of bytes in bitmap
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