Commit 0f564eac authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Change some wording to make this work with PDF generation -- using a PDF

hyperlink at the start of the paragraph confused pdflatex; it saw the
link start while still in vertical mode, which is not allowed.  Including
text before the link forces horizontal mode.
parent bcb09fa3
......@@ -214,8 +214,9 @@ handleSlideshow(dom)
\subsection{minidom and the DOM standard \label{minidom-and-dom}}
\refmodule{xml.dom.minidom} is basically a DOM 1.0-compatible DOM with
some DOM 2 features (primarily namespace features).
The \refmodule{xml.dom.minidom} module is essentially a DOM
1.0-compatible DOM with some DOM 2 features (primarily namespace
Usage of the DOM interface in Python is straight-forward. The
following mapping rules apply:
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