Commit 1024bf83 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

Beefed up the timezone conversion test by adding a phony UTC zone that's

west of the US zones getting converted, and also by using Eastern "as if"
it were UTC (wrt Pacific), and vice versa.
parent 5c8fef90
......@@ -2571,81 +2571,95 @@ class USTimeZone(tzinfo):
Eastern = USTimeZone(-5, "Eastern", "EST", "EDT")
Pacific = USTimeZone(-8, "Pacific", "PST", "PDT")
UTC = FixedOffset(0, "UTC", 0)
utc_real = FixedOffset(0, "UTC", 0)
# For better test coverage, we want another flavor of UTC that's west of
# the Eastern and Pacific timezones.
utc_fake = FixedOffset(-12, "UTCfake", 0)
class TestTimezoneConversions(unittest.TestCase):
# The DST switch times for 2002, in local time.
dston = datetimetz(2002, 4, 7, 2)
dstoff = datetimetz(2002, 10, 27, 2)
def convert_between_tz_and_utc(self, tz, utc):
dston = self.dston.replace(tzinfo=tz)
dstoff = self.dstoff.replace(tzinfo=tz)
for delta in (timedelta(weeks=13),
for during in dston, dston + delta, dstoff - delta:
self.assertEqual(during.dst(), HOUR)
asutc = during.astimezone(utc)
there_and_back = asutc.astimezone(tz)
# Conversion to UTC and back isn't always an identity here,
# because there are redundant spellings (in local time) of
# UTC time when DST begins: the clock jumps from 1:59:59
# to 3:00:00, and a local time of 2:MM:SS doesn't really
# make sense then. The classes above treat 2:MM:SS as
# daylight time then (it's "after 2am"), really an alias
# for 1:MM:SS standard time. The latter form is what
# conversion back from UTC produces.
if == and during.hour == 2:
# We're in the redundant hour, and coming back from
# UTC gives the 1:MM:SS standard-time spelling.
self.assertEqual(there_and_back + HOUR, during)
# Although during was considered to be in daylight
# time, there_and_back is not.
self.assertEqual(there_and_back.dst(), ZERO)
# They're the same times in UTC.
# We're not in the redundant hour.
self.assertEqual(during, there_and_back)
# Because we have a redundant spelling when DST begins,
# there is (unforunately) an hour when DST ends that can't
# be spelled at all in local time. When DST ends, the
# clock jumps from 1:59:59 back to 1:00:00 again. The
# hour beginning then has no spelling in local time:
# 1:MM:SS is taken to be daylight time, and 2:MM:SS as
# standard time. The hour 1:MM:SS standard time ==
# 2:MM:SS daylight time can't be expressed in local time.
nexthour_utc = asutc + HOUR
nexthour_tz = nexthour_utc.astimezone(tz)
if == and during.hour == 1:
# We're in the hour before DST ends. The hour after
# is ineffable.
# For concreteness, picture Eastern. during is of
# the form 1:MM:SS, it's daylight time, so that's
# 5:MM:SS UTC. Adding an hour gives 6:MM:SS UTC.
# Daylight time ended at 2+4 == 6:00:00 UTC, so
# 6:MM:SS is (correctly) taken to be standard time.
# But standard time is at offset -5, and that maps
# right back to the 1:MM:SS Eastern we started with.
# That's correct, too, *if* 1:MM:SS were taken as
# being standard time. But it's not -- on this day
# it's taken as daylight time.
self.assertEqual(during, nexthour_tz)
self.assertEqual(nexthour_tz - during, HOUR)
for outside in dston - delta, dstoff, dstoff + delta:
self.assertEqual(outside.dst(), ZERO)
there_and_back = outside.astimezone(utc).astimezone(tz)
self.assertEqual(outside, there_and_back)
def test_easy(self):
# Despite the name of this test, the endcases are excruciating.
for tz in Eastern, Pacific:
dston = self.dston.replace(tzinfo=tz)
dstoff = self.dstoff.replace(tzinfo=tz)
for delta in (timedelta(weeks=13),
for during in dston, dston + delta, dstoff - delta:
self.assertEqual(during.dst(), HOUR)
asutc = during.astimezone(UTC)
there_and_back = asutc.astimezone(tz)
# Conversion to UTC and back isn't always an identity here,
# because there are redundant spellings (in local time) of
# UTC time when DST begins: the clock jumps from 1:59:59
# to 3:00:00, and a local time of 2:MM:SS doesn't really
# make sense then. The classes above treat 2:MM:SS as
# daylight time then (it's "after 2am"), really an alias
# for 1:MM:SS standard time. The latter form is what
# conversion back from UTC produces.
if == and during.hour == 2:
# We're in the redundant hour, and coming back from
# UTC gives the 1:MM:SS standard-time spelling.
self.assertEqual(there_and_back + HOUR, during)
# Although during was considered to be in daylight
# time, there_and_back is not.
self.assertEqual(there_and_back.dst(), ZERO)
# They're the same times in UTC.
# We're not in the redundant hour.
self.assertEqual(during, there_and_back)
# Because we have a redundant spelling when DST begins,
# there is (unforunately) an hour when DST ends that can't
# be spelled at all in local time. When DST ends, the
# clock jumps from 1:59:59 back to 1:00:00 again. The
# hour beginning then has no spelling in local time:
# 1:MM:SS is taken to be daylight time, and 2:MM:SS as
# standard time. The hour 1:MM:SS standard time ==
# 2:MM:SS daylight time can't be expressed in local time.
nexthour_utc = asutc + HOUR
nexthour_tz = nexthour_utc.astimezone(tz)
if == and during.hour == 1:
# We're in the hour before DST ends. The hour after
# is ineffable.
# For concreteness, picture Eastern. during is of
# the form 1:MM:SS, it's daylight time, so that's
# 5:MM:SS UTC. Adding an hour gives 6:MM:SS UTC.
# Daylight time ended at 2+4 == 6:00:00 UTC, so
# 6:MM:SS is (correctly) taken to be standard time.
# But standard time is at offset -5, and that maps
# right back to the 1:MM:SS Eastern we started with.
# That's correct, too, *if* 1:MM:SS were taken as
# being standard time. But it's not -- on this day
# it's taken as daylight time.
self.assertEqual(during, nexthour_tz)
self.assertEqual(nexthour_tz - during, HOUR)
for outside in dston - delta, dstoff, dstoff + delta:
self.assertEqual(outside.dst(), ZERO)
there_and_back = outside.astimezone(UTC).astimezone(tz)
self.assertEqual(outside, there_and_back)
self.convert_between_tz_and_utc(Eastern, utc_real)
self.convert_between_tz_and_utc(Pacific, utc_real)
self.convert_between_tz_and_utc(Eastern, utc_fake)
self.convert_between_tz_and_utc(Pacific, utc_fake)
# The next is really dancing near the edge. It works because
# Pacific and Eastern are far enough apart that their "problem
# hours" don't overlap.
self.convert_between_tz_and_utc(Eastern, Pacific)
self.convert_between_tz_and_utc(Pacific, Eastern)
def test_suite():
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