Commit 1255ed62 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Much more pickling now works.

parent 2e6a4b37
......@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ class Pickler:
(t.__name__, obj))
# Check for string returned by reduce(), meaning "save as global"
if inistance(rv, basestring):
if isinstance(rv, basestring):
self.save_global(obj, rv)
......@@ -512,7 +512,8 @@ class Pickler:
obj = obj.replace("\\", "\\u005c")
obj = obj.replace("\n", "\\u000a")
self.write(UNICODE + obj.encode('raw-unicode-escape') + 'b\n')
self.write(UNICODE + bytes(obj.encode('raw-unicode-escape')) +
dispatch[str] = save_unicode
......@@ -895,7 +896,7 @@ class Unpickler:
dispatch[BININT2[0]] = load_binint2
def load_long(self):
self.append(int(self.readline()[:-1], 0))
self.append(int(str(self.readline()[:-1]), 0))
dispatch[LONG[0]] = load_long
def load_long1(self):
......@@ -1081,6 +1082,8 @@ class Unpickler:
def find_class(self, module, name):
# Subclasses may override this
module = str(module)
name = str(name)
mod = sys.modules[module]
klass = getattr(mod, name)
......@@ -1122,7 +1125,7 @@ class Unpickler:
dispatch[LONG_BINGET[0]] = load_long_binget
def load_put(self):
self.memo[self.readline()[:-1]] = self.stack[-1]
self.memo[str(self.readline()[:-1])] = self.stack[-1]
dispatch[PUT[0]] = load_put
def load_binput(self):
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