Commit 12c4bdb0 authored by Mark Dickinson's avatar Mark Dickinson

Merged revisions 75117 via svnmerge from


  r75117 | mark.dickinson | 2009-09-28 19:54:55 +0100 (Mon, 28 Sep 2009) | 3 lines

  Issue #3366:  Add gamma function to math module.
  (lgamma, erf and erfc to follow).
parent 40af6306
......@@ -278,6 +278,16 @@ Hyperbolic functions
Return the hyperbolic tangent of *x*.
Special functions
.. function:: gamma(x)
Return the Gamma function at *x*.
.. versionadded:: 2.7
-- Testcases for functions in math.
-- Each line takes the form:
-- <testid> <function> <input_value> -> <output_value> <flags>
-- where:
-- <testid> is a short name identifying the test,
-- <function> is the function to be tested (exp, cos, asinh, ...),
-- <input_value> is a string representing a floating-point value
-- <output_value> is the expected (ideal) output value, again
-- represented as a string.
-- <flags> is a list of the floating-point flags required by C99
-- The possible flags are:
-- divide-by-zero : raised when a finite input gives a
-- mathematically infinite result.
-- overflow : raised when a finite input gives a finite result that
-- is too large to fit in the usual range of an IEEE 754 double.
-- invalid : raised for invalid inputs (e.g., sqrt(-1))
-- ignore-sign : indicates that the sign of the result is
-- unspecified; e.g., if the result is given as inf,
-- then both -inf and inf should be accepted as correct.
-- Flags may appear in any order.
-- Lines beginning with '--' (like this one) start a comment, and are
-- ignored. Blank lines, or lines containing only whitespace, are also
-- ignored.
-- Many of the values below were computed with the help of
-- version 2.4 of the MPFR library for multiple-precision
-- floating-point computations with correct rounding. All output
-- values in this file are (modulo yet-to-be-discovered bugs)
-- correctly rounded, provided that each input and output decimal
-- floating-point value below is interpreted as a representation of
-- the corresponding nearest IEEE 754 double-precision value. See the
-- MPFR homepage at for more information about the
-- MPFR project.
-- gamma: Gamma function --
-- special values
gam0000 gamma 0.0 -> inf divide-by-zero
gam0001 gamma -0.0 -> -inf divide-by-zero
gam0002 gamma inf -> inf
gam0003 gamma -inf -> nan invalid
gam0004 gamma nan -> nan
-- negative integers inputs are invalid
gam0010 gamma -1 -> nan invalid
gam0011 gamma -2 -> nan invalid
gam0012 gamma -1e16 -> nan invalid
gam0013 gamma -1e300 -> nan invalid
-- small positive integers give factorials
gam0020 gamma 1 -> 1
gam0021 gamma 2 -> 1
gam0022 gamma 3 -> 2
gam0023 gamma 4 -> 6
gam0024 gamma 5 -> 24
gam0025 gamma 6 -> 120
-- half integers
gam0030 gamma 0.5 -> 1.7724538509055161
gam0031 gamma 1.5 -> 0.88622692545275805
gam0032 gamma 2.5 -> 1.3293403881791370
gam0033 gamma 3.5 -> 3.3233509704478426
gam0034 gamma -0.5 -> -3.5449077018110322
gam0035 gamma -1.5 -> 2.3632718012073548
gam0036 gamma -2.5 -> -0.94530872048294190
gam0037 gamma -3.5 -> 0.27008820585226911
-- values near 0
gam0040 gamma 0.1 -> 9.5135076986687306
gam0041 gamma 0.01 -> 99.432585119150602
gam0042 gamma 1e-8 -> 99999999.422784343
gam0043 gamma 1e-16 -> 10000000000000000
gam0044 gamma 1e-30 -> 9.9999999999999988e+29
gam0045 gamma 1e-160 -> 1.0000000000000000e+160
gam0046 gamma 1e-308 -> 1.0000000000000000e+308
gam0047 gamma 5.6e-309 -> 1.7857142857142848e+308
gam0048 gamma 5.5e-309 -> inf overflow
gam0049 gamma 1e-309 -> inf overflow
gam0050 gamma 1e-323 -> inf overflow
gam0051 gamma 5e-324 -> inf overflow
gam0060 gamma -0.1 -> -10.686287021193193
gam0061 gamma -0.01 -> -100.58719796441078
gam0062 gamma -1e-8 -> -100000000.57721567
gam0063 gamma -1e-16 -> -10000000000000000
gam0064 gamma -1e-30 -> -9.9999999999999988e+29
gam0065 gamma -1e-160 -> -1.0000000000000000e+160
gam0066 gamma -1e-308 -> -1.0000000000000000e+308
gam0067 gamma -5.6e-309 -> -1.7857142857142848e+308
gam0068 gamma -5.5e-309 -> -inf overflow
gam0069 gamma -1e-309 -> -inf overflow
gam0070 gamma -1e-323 -> -inf overflow
gam0071 gamma -5e-324 -> -inf overflow
-- values near negative integers
gam0080 gamma -0.99999999999999989 -> -9007199254740992.0
gam0081 gamma -1.0000000000000002 -> 4503599627370495.5
gam0082 gamma -1.9999999999999998 -> 2251799813685248.5
gam0083 gamma -2.0000000000000004 -> -1125899906842623.5
gam0084 gamma -100.00000000000001 -> -7.5400833348831090e-145
gam0085 gamma -99.999999999999986 -> 7.5400833348840962e-145
-- large inputs
gam0100 gamma 170 -> 4.2690680090047051e+304
gam0101 gamma 171 -> 7.2574156153079990e+306
gam0102 gamma 171.624 -> 1.7942117599248104e+308
gam0103 gamma 171.625 -> inf overflow
gam0104 gamma 172 -> inf overflow
gam0105 gamma 2000 -> inf overflow
gam0106 gamma 1.7e308 -> inf overflow
-- inputs for which gamma(x) is tiny
gam0120 gamma -100.5 -> -3.3536908198076787e-159
gam0121 gamma -160.5 -> -5.2555464470078293e-286
gam0122 gamma -170.5 -> -3.3127395215386074e-308
gam0123 gamma -171.5 -> 1.9316265431711902e-310
gam0124 gamma -176.5 -> -1.1956388629358166e-321
gam0125 gamma -177.5 -> 4.9406564584124654e-324
gam0126 gamma -178.5 -> -0.0
gam0127 gamma -179.5 -> 0.0
gam0128 gamma -201.0001 -> 0.0
gam0129 gamma -202.9999 -> -0.0
gam0130 gamma -1000.5 -> -0.0
gam0131 gamma -1000000000.3 -> -0.0
gam0132 gamma -4503599627370495.5 -> 0.0
-- inputs that cause problems for the standard reflection formula,
-- thanks to loss of accuracy in 1-x
gam0140 gamma -63.349078729022985 -> 4.1777971677761880e-88
gam0141 gamma -127.45117632943295 -> 1.1831110896236810e-214
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import math
import os
import sys
import random
import struct
eps = 1E-05
NAN = float('nan')
......@@ -29,8 +30,50 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
file = __file__
test_dir = os.path.dirname(file) or os.curdir
math_testcases = os.path.join(test_dir, 'math_testcases.txt')
test_file = os.path.join(test_dir, 'cmath_testcases.txt')
def to_ulps(x):
"""Convert a non-NaN float x to an integer, in such a way that
adjacent floats are converted to adjacent integers. Then
abs(ulps(x) - ulps(y)) gives the difference in ulps between two
The results from this function will only make sense on platforms
where C doubles are represented in IEEE 754 binary64 format.
n = struct.unpack('q', struct.pack('<d', x))[0]
if n < 0:
n = ~(n+2**63)
return n
def parse_mtestfile(fname):
"""Parse a file with test values
-- starts a comment
blank lines, or lines containing only a comment, are ignored
other lines are expected to have the form
id fn arg -> expected [flag]*
with open(fname) as fp:
for line in fp:
# strip comments, and skip blank lines
if '--' in line:
line = line[:line.index('--')]
if not line.strip():
lhs, rhs = line.split('->')
id, fn, arg = lhs.split()
rhs_pieces = rhs.split()
exp = rhs_pieces[0]
flags = rhs_pieces[1:]
yield (id, fn, float(arg), float(exp), flags)
def parse_testfile(fname):
"""Parse a file with test values
......@@ -884,6 +927,51 @@ class MathTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.ftest("%s:%s(%r)" % (id, fn, ar), result, er)
"test requires IEEE 754 doubles")
def test_mtestfile(self):
ALLOWED_ERROR = 20 # permitted error, in ulps
fail_fmt = "{}:{}({!r}): expected {!r}, got {!r}"
failures = []
for id, fn, arg, expected, flags in parse_mtestfile(math_testcases):
func = getattr(math, fn)
if 'invalid' in flags or 'divide-by-zero' in flags:
expected = 'ValueError'
elif 'overflow' in flags:
expected = 'OverflowError'
got = func(arg)
except ValueError:
got = 'ValueError'
except OverflowError:
got = 'OverflowError'
diff_ulps = None
if isinstance(got, float) and isinstance(expected, float):
if math.isnan(expected) and math.isnan(got):
if not math.isnan(expected) and not math.isnan(got):
diff_ulps = to_ulps(expected) - to_ulps(got)
if diff_ulps <= ALLOWED_ERROR:
if isinstance(got, str) and isinstance(expected, str):
if got == expected:
fail_msg = fail_fmt.format(id, fn, arg, expected, got)
if diff_ulps is not None:
fail_msg += ' ({} ulps)'.format(diff_ulps)
if failures:'Failures in test_mtestfile:\n ' +
'\n '.join(failures))
def test_main():
from doctest import DocFileSuite
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
......@@ -201,6 +201,9 @@ Library
Extension Modules
- Issue #3366: Add gamma function to math module.
- Issue #6877: It is now possible to link the readline extension to the
libedit readline emulation on OSX 10.5 or later.
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