Commit 1325f65f authored by Ethan Furman's avatar Ethan Furman


add private method to enum to support replacing global constants with Enum members:
- search for candidate constants via supplied filter
- create new enum class and members
- insert enum class and replace constants with members via supplied module name
- replace __reduce_ex__ with function that returns member name, so previous Python versions can unpickle
modify IntEnum classes to use new method
parent c977f121
......@@ -519,11 +519,37 @@ class Enum(metaclass=EnumMeta):
"""The value of the Enum member."""
return self._value_
def _convert(cls, name, module, filter, source=None):
Create a new Enum subclass that replaces a collection of global constants
# convert all constants from source (or module) that pass filter() to
# a new Enum called name, and export the enum and its members back to
# module;
# also, replace the __reduce_ex__ method so unpickling works in
# previous Python versions
module_globals = vars(sys.modules[module])
if source:
source = vars(source)
source = module_globals
members = {name: value for name, value in source.items()
if filter(name)}
cls = cls(name, members, module=module)
cls.__reduce_ex__ = _reduce_ex_by_name
module_globals[name] = cls
return cls
class IntEnum(int, Enum):
"""Enum where members are also (and must be) ints"""
def _reduce_ex_by_name(self, proto):
def unique(enumeration):
"""Class decorator for enumerations ensuring unique member values."""
duplicates = []
......@@ -5,27 +5,21 @@ from enum import IntEnum as _IntEnum
_globals = globals()
Signals = _IntEnum(
{name: value for name, value in _globals.items()
if name.isupper()
and (name.startswith('SIG') and not name.startswith('SIG_'))
or name.startswith('CTRL_')})
'Signals', __name__,
lambda name:
and (name.startswith('SIG') and not name.startswith('SIG_'))
or name.startswith('CTRL_'))
class Handlers(_IntEnum):
SIG_DFL = _signal.SIG_DFL
SIG_IGN = _signal.SIG_IGN
'Handlers', __name__,
lambda name: name in ('SIG_DFL', 'SIG_IGN'))
if 'pthread_sigmask' in _globals:
class Sigmasks(_IntEnum):
'Sigmasks', __name__,
lambda name: name in ('SIG_BLOCK', 'SIG_UNBLOCK', 'SIG_SETMASK'))
def _int_to_enum(value, enum_klass):
......@@ -69,16 +69,16 @@ __all__.extend(os._get_exports_list(_socket))
# Note that _socket only knows about the integer values. The public interface
# in this module understands the enums and translates them back from integers
# where needed (e.g. .family property of a socket object).
AddressFamily = IntEnum('AddressFamily',
{name: value for name, value in globals().items()
if name.isupper() and name.startswith('AF_')})
SocketKind = IntEnum('SocketKind',
{name: value for name, value in globals().items()
if name.isupper() and name.startswith('SOCK_')})
lambda C: C.isupper() and C.startswith('AF_'))
lambda C: C.isupper() and C.startswith('SOCK_'))
_LOCALHOST_V6 = '::1'
......@@ -126,10 +126,10 @@ from _ssl import HAS_SNI, HAS_ECDH, HAS_NPN, HAS_ALPN
from _ssl import _OPENSSL_API_VERSION
_SSLMethod = _IntEnum('_SSLMethod',
{name: value for name, value in vars(_ssl).items()
if name.startswith('PROTOCOL_')})
'_SSLMethod', __name__,
lambda name: name.startswith('PROTOCOL_'),
_PROTOCOL_NAMES = {value: name for name, value in _SSLMethod.__members__.items()}
......@@ -581,6 +581,14 @@ class TestEnum(unittest.TestCase):
test_pickle_dump_load(self.assertIs, self.NestedEnum.twigs,
protocol=(4, HIGHEST_PROTOCOL))
def test_pickle_by_name(self):
class ReplaceGlobalInt(IntEnum):
ONE = 1
TWO = 2
ReplaceGlobalInt.__reduce_ex__ = enum._reduce_ex_by_name
for proto in range(HIGHEST_PROTOCOL):
self.assertEqual(ReplaceGlobalInt.TWO.__reduce_ex__(proto), 'TWO')
def test_exploding_pickle(self):
BadPickle = Enum(
'BadPickle', 'dill sweet bread-n-butter', module=__name__)
......@@ -1377,6 +1377,11 @@ class GeneralModuleTests(unittest.TestCase):
with sock:
for protocol in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, pickle.dumps, sock, protocol)
for protocol in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
family = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(socket.AF_INET, protocol))
self.assertEqual(family, socket.AF_INET)
type = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(socket.SOCK_STREAM, protocol))
self.assertEqual(type, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
def test_listen_backlog(self):
for backlog in 0, -1:
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