Commit 1492456e authored by Mark Dickinson's avatar Mark Dickinson

Issue #11144: Fix corner cases where float-to-int conversion unnecessarily returned a long.

parent 50777650
......@@ -52,6 +52,48 @@ class GeneralFloatCases(unittest.TestCase):
float('.' + '1'*1000)
float(unicode('.' + '1'*1000))
def check_conversion_to_int(self, x):
"""Check that int(x) has the correct value and type, for a float x."""
n = int(x)
if x >= 0.0:
# x >= 0 and n = int(x) ==> n <= x < n + 1
self.assertLessEqual(n, x)
self.assertLess(x, n + 1)
# x < 0 and n = int(x) ==> n >= x > n - 1
self.assertGreaterEqual(n, x)
self.assertGreater(x, n - 1)
# Result should be an int if within range, else a long.
if -sys.maxint-1 <= n <= sys.maxint:
self.assertEqual(type(n), int)
self.assertEqual(type(n), long)
# Double check.
self.assertEqual(type(int(n)), type(n))
def test_conversion_to_int(self):
# Check that floats within the range of an int convert to type
# int, not long. (issue #11144.)
boundary = float(sys.maxint + 1)
epsilon = 2**-sys.float_info.mant_dig * boundary
# These 2 floats are either side of the positive int/long boundary on
# both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
self.check_conversion_to_int(boundary - epsilon)
# These floats are either side of the negative long/int boundary on
# 64-bit systems...
self.check_conversion_to_int(-boundary - 2*epsilon)
# ... and these ones are either side of the negative long/int
# boundary on 32-bit systems.
self.check_conversion_to_int(-boundary - 1.0)
self.check_conversion_to_int(-boundary - 1.0 + 2*epsilon)
@test_support.run_with_locale('LC_NUMERIC', 'fr_FR', 'de_DE')
def test_float_with_comma(self):
# set locale to something that doesn't use '.' for the decimal point
......@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ What's New in Python 2.7.2?
Core and Builtins
- Issue #11144: Ensure that int(a_float) returns an int whenever possible.
Previously, there were some corner cases where a long was returned even
though the result was within the range of an int.
- Issue #11675: multiprocessing.[Raw]Array objects created from an integer size
are now zeroed on creation. This matches the behaviour specified by the
......@@ -1035,14 +1035,17 @@ float_trunc(PyObject *v)
* happens if the double is too big to fit in a long. Some rare
* systems raise an exception then (RISCOS was mentioned as one,
* and someone using a non-default option on Sun also bumped into
* that). Note that checking for >= and <= LONG_{MIN,MAX} would
* still be vulnerable: if a long has more bits of precision than
* a double, casting MIN/MAX to double may yield an approximation,
* and if that's rounded up, then, e.g., wholepart=LONG_MAX+1 would
* yield true from the C expression wholepart<=LONG_MAX, despite
* that wholepart is actually greater than LONG_MAX.
* that). Note that checking for <= LONG_MAX is unsafe: if a long
* has more bits of precision than a double, casting LONG_MAX to
* double may yield an approximation, and if that's rounded up,
* then, e.g., wholepart=LONG_MAX+1 would yield true from the C
* expression wholepart<=LONG_MAX, despite that wholepart is
* actually greater than LONG_MAX. However, assuming a two's complement
* machine with no trap representation, LONG_MIN will be a power of 2 (and
* hence exactly representable as a double), and LONG_MAX = -1-LONG_MIN, so
* the comparisons with (double)LONG_MIN below should be safe.
if (LONG_MIN < wholepart && wholepart < LONG_MAX) {
if ((double)LONG_MIN <= wholepart && wholepart < -(double)LONG_MIN) {
const long aslong = (long)wholepart;
return PyInt_FromLong(aslong);
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