Commit 172d9ef4 authored by Brett Cannon's avatar Brett Cannon

Beefed up timezone support. UTC and GMT are now always recognized timezones

with values of 0.  Also now check time.daylight to see if time.tzname[1]
should be used in timezone checking.
parent c2409b4f
......@@ -283,9 +283,13 @@ class LocaleTime(object):
def __calc_timezone(self):
# Set self.__timezone by using time.tzname.
# Empty string used for matching when timezone is not used/needed such
# as with UTC.
self.__timezone = self.__pad(time.tzname, 0)
# Empty string used for matching when timezone is not used/needed.
time_zones = ["UTC", "GMT"]
if time.daylight:
self.__timezone = self.__pad(time_zones, 0)
def __calc_lang(self):
# Set self.__lang by using __getlang().
......@@ -490,16 +494,20 @@ def strptime(data_string, format="%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"):
elif group_key == 'j':
julian = int(found_dict['j'])
elif group_key == 'Z':
# Since -1 is default value only need to worry about setting tz if
# it can be something other than -1.
found_zone = found_dict['Z'].lower()
if locale_time.timezone[0] == locale_time.timezone[1]:
pass #Deals with bad locale setup where timezone info is
# the same; first found on FreeBSD 4.4.
elif locale_time.timezone[0].lower() == found_zone:
elif found_zone in ("utc", "gmt"):
tz = 0
elif locale_time.timezone[1].lower() == found_zone:
tz = 1
elif locale_time.timezone[2].lower() == found_zone:
tz = -1
tz = 0
elif time.daylight:
if locale_time.timezone[3].lower() == found_zone:
tz = 1
# Cannot pre-calculate datetime_date() since can change in Julian
#calculation and thus could have different value for the day of the week
......@@ -58,9 +58,11 @@ class LocaleTime_Tests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_timezone(self):
# Make sure timezone is correct
if time.strftime("%Z", self.time_tuple):
self.compare_against_time(self.LT_ins.timezone, '%Z', 8,
"Testing against timezone failed")
timezone = time.strftime("%Z", self.time_tuple)
if timezone:
self.failUnless(timezone in self.LT_ins.timezone,
"timezone %s not found in %s" %
(timezone, self.LT_ins.timezone))
def test_date_time(self):
# Check that LC_date_time, LC_date, and LC_time are correct
......@@ -293,18 +295,25 @@ class StrptimeTests(unittest.TestCase):
# When gmtime() is used with %Z, entire result of strftime() is empty.
# Check for equal timezone names deals with bad locale info when this
# occurs; first found in FreeBSD 4.4.
strp_output = _strptime.strptime("UTC", "%Z")
self.failUnlessEqual(strp_output.tm_isdst, 0)
strp_output = _strptime.strptime("GMT", "%Z")
self.failUnlessEqual(strp_output.tm_isdst, 0)
if time.daylight:
strp_output = _strptime.strptime(time.tzname[1], "%Z")
self.failUnlessEqual(strp_output[8], 1)
time_tuple = time.localtime()
strf_output = time.strftime("%Z") #UTC does not have a timezone
strp_output = _strptime.strptime(strf_output, "%Z")
locale_time = _strptime.LocaleTime()
if locale_time.timezone[0] != locale_time.timezone[1]:
if time.tzname[0] != time.tzname[1]:
self.failUnless(strp_output[8] == time_tuple[8],
"timezone check failed; '%s' -> %s != %s" %
(strf_output, strp_output[8], time_tuple[8]))
self.failUnless(strp_output[8] == -1,
"LocaleTime().timezone has duplicate values but "
"timzone value not set to 0")
"timzone value not set to -1")
def test_date_time(self):
# Test %c directive
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