Commit 173ff9be authored by Martin Panter's avatar Martin Panter

Issue #16182: Attempted workarounds for Apple Editline

parent b06b2db5
......@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ from import assert_python_ok
# Skip tests if there is no readline module
readline = import_module('readline')
is_editline = readline.__doc__ and "libedit" in readline.__doc__
@unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(readline, "clear_history"),
"The history update test cannot be run because the "
"clear_history method is not available.")
......@@ -99,14 +101,17 @@ class TestHistoryManipulation (unittest.TestCase):
self.addCleanup(os.remove, TESTFN)
if is_editline:
# An add_history() call seems to be required for get_history_
# item() to register items from the file
self.assertEqual(readline.get_history_item(1), "entrée 1")
self.assertEqual(readline.get_history_item(2), "entrée 22")
class TestReadline(unittest.TestCase):
@unittest.skipIf(readline._READLINE_VERSION < 0x0600
and "libedit" not in readline.__doc__,
@unittest.skipIf(readline._READLINE_VERSION < 0x0600 and not is_editline,
"not supported in this library version")
def test_init(self):
# Issue #19884: Ensure that the ANSI sequence "\033[1034h" is not
......@@ -127,7 +132,9 @@ class TestReadline(unittest.TestCase):
if readline.__doc__ and "libedit" in readline.__doc__:
readline.parse_and_bind(r'bind ^B ed-prev-char')
readline.parse_and_bind(r'bind "\t" rl_complete')
readline.parse_and_bind('bind -s ^A "|t\xEB[after]"')
# The insert_line() call via pre_input_hook() does nothing with Editline,
# so include the extra text that would have been inserted here
readline.parse_and_bind('bind -s ^A "[\xEFnserted]|t\xEB[after]"')
readline.parse_and_bind(r'Control-b: backward-char')
readline.parse_and_bind(r'"\t": complete')
......@@ -173,8 +180,9 @@ print("history", ascii(readline.get_history_item(1)))
self.assertIn(b"text 't\\xeb'\r\n", output)
self.assertIn(b"line '[\\xefnserted]|t\\xeb[after]'\r\n", output)
self.assertIn(b"indexes 11 13\r\n", output)
self.assertIn(b"substitution 't\\xeb'\r\n", output)
self.assertIn(b"matches ['t\\xebnt', 't\\xebxt']\r\n", output)
if not is_editline: # display() hook not called under Editline
self.assertIn(b"substitution 't\\xeb'\r\n", output)
self.assertIn(b"matches ['t\\xebnt', 't\\xebxt']\r\n", output)
expected = br"'[\xefnserted]|t\xebxt[after]'"
self.assertIn(b"result " + expected + b"\r\n", output)
self.assertIn(b"history " + expected + b"\r\n", output)
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