Commit 17473347 authored by Naglis's avatar Naglis Committed by Miss Islington (bot)

bpo-35395: fix typos in asyncio eventloop documentation (GH-10880)

Fixes `loop.add_writer` and `loop.add_signal_handler` method documentation to correctly reference the callback parameter from method signature.
parent 8ca0fa9d
......@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ Watching file descriptors
Use :func:`functools.partial` :ref:`to pass keyword arguments
<asyncio-pass-keywords>` to *func*.
<asyncio-pass-keywords>` to *callback*.
.. method:: loop.remove_writer(fd)
......@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ Unix signals
Raise :exc:`RuntimeError` if there is a problem setting up the handler.
Use :func:`functools.partial` :ref:`to pass keyword arguments
<asyncio-pass-keywords>` to *func*.
<asyncio-pass-keywords>` to *callback*.
.. method:: loop.remove_signal_handler(sig)
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