Commit 1a0199a7 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Lots of changes to the packaging of the documentation, all to keep

directories clean where the packages are unpacked.  Each package now
contains a single directory, Python-Docs-<version>/, which contains the
files for that version of the documentation.

Closes SF feature request #567576.
parent 7ec34b55
......@@ -396,54 +396,54 @@ ISILOINDEXFILES=isilo/api/api.html \
$(ISILOINDEXFILES): $(COMMONPERL) html/about.dat perl/isilo.perl
isilo: isilo/python-api-$(RELEASE).pdb \
isilo/python-doc-$(RELEASE).pdb \
isilo/python-ext-$(RELEASE).pdb \
isilo/python-lib-$(RELEASE).pdb \
isilo/python-mac-$(RELEASE).pdb \
isilo/python-ref-$(RELEASE).pdb \
isilo/python-tut-$(RELEASE).pdb \
isilo/python-dist-$(RELEASE).pdb \
isilo/python-inst-$(RELEASE).pdb \
isilo/python-api-$(RELEASE).pdb: isilo/api/api.html isilo/api/api.css
isilo: isilo/python-api.pdb \
isilo/python-doc.pdb \
isilo/python-ext.pdb \
isilo/python-lib.pdb \
isilo/python-mac.pdb \
isilo/python-ref.pdb \
isilo/python-tut.pdb \
isilo/python-dist.pdb \
isilo/python-inst.pdb \
isilo/python-api.pdb: isilo/api/api.html isilo/api/api.css
$(MKISILO) "-iPython/C API Reference Manual" \
isilo/api/api.html $@
isilo/python-doc-$(RELEASE).pdb: isilo/doc/doc.html isilo/doc/doc.css
isilo/python-doc.pdb: isilo/doc/doc.html isilo/doc/doc.css
$(MKISILO) "-iDocumenting Python" \
isilo/doc/doc.html $@
isilo/python-ext-$(RELEASE).pdb: isilo/ext/ext.html isilo/ext/ext.css
isilo/python-ext.pdb: isilo/ext/ext.html isilo/ext/ext.css
$(MKISILO) "-iExtending & Embedding Python" \
isilo/ext/ext.html $@
isilo/python-lib-$(RELEASE).pdb: isilo/lib/lib.html isilo/lib/lib.css
isilo/python-lib.pdb: isilo/lib/lib.html isilo/lib/lib.css
$(MKISILO) "-iPython Library Reference" \
isilo/lib/lib.html $@
isilo/python-mac-$(RELEASE).pdb: isilo/mac/mac.html isilo/mac/mac.css
isilo/python-mac.pdb: isilo/mac/mac.html isilo/mac/mac.css
$(MKISILO) "-iPython/C API Reference Manual" \
isilo/mac/mac.html $@
isilo/python-ref-$(RELEASE).pdb: isilo/ref/ref.html isilo/ref/ref.css
isilo/python-ref.pdb: isilo/ref/ref.html isilo/ref/ref.css
$(MKISILO) "-iPython Reference Manual" \
isilo/ref/ref.html $@
isilo/python-tut-$(RELEASE).pdb: isilo/tut/tut.html isilo/tut/tut.css
isilo/python-tut.pdb: isilo/tut/tut.html isilo/tut/tut.css
$(MKISILO) "-iPython Tutorial" \
isilo/tut/tut.html $@
isilo/python-dist-$(RELEASE).pdb: isilo/dist/dist.html isilo/dist/dist.css
isilo/python-dist.pdb: isilo/dist/dist.html isilo/dist/dist.css
$(MKISILO) "-iDistributing Python Modules" \
isilo/dist/dist.html $@
isilo/python-inst-$(RELEASE).pdb: isilo/inst/inst.html isilo/inst/inst.css
isilo/python-inst.pdb: isilo/inst/inst.html isilo/inst/inst.css
$(MKISILO) "-iInstalling Python Modules" \
isilo/inst/inst.html $@
isilo/python-whatsnew-$(RELEASE).pdb: isilo/whatsnew/$(WHATSNEW).html isilo/whatsnew/$(WHATSNEW).css
isilo/python-whatsnew.pdb: isilo/whatsnew/$(WHATSNEW).html isilo/whatsnew/$(WHATSNEW).css
$(MKISILO) "-iWhat's New in Python X.Y" \
isilo/whatsnew/$(WHATSNEW).html $@
......@@ -541,7 +541,11 @@ latex-$(RELEASE).zip:
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLSDIR)/mksourcepkg --zip $(RELEASE)
pdf-$(PAPER)-$(RELEASE).tar: $(PDFFILES)
cd paper-$(PAPER) && tar cf ../$@ *.pdf
rm -f $@
mkdir Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
cp paper-$(PAPER)/*.pdf Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
tar cf $@ Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
rm -r Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
pdf-$(PAPER)-$(RELEASE).tgz: pdf-$(PAPER)-$(RELEASE).tar
gzip -9 <$? >$@
......@@ -551,10 +555,18 @@ pdf-$(PAPER)-$(RELEASE).tar.bz2: pdf-$(PAPER)-$(RELEASE).tar
pdf-$(PAPER)-$(RELEASE).zip: pdf
rm -f $@
cd paper-$(PAPER) && zip -q -9 ../$@ *.pdf
mkdir Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
cp paper-$(PAPER)/*.pdf Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
zip -q -r -9 $@ Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
rm -r Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
postscript-$(PAPER)-$(RELEASE).tar: $(PSFILES) paper-$(PAPER)/README
cd paper-$(PAPER) && tar cf ../$@ *.ps README
rm -f $@
mkdir Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
cp paper-$(PAPER)/*.ps Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
cp paper-$(PAPER)/README Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
tar cf $@ Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
rm -r Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
postscript-$(PAPER)-$(RELEASE).tar.bz2: postscript-$(PAPER)-$(RELEASE).tar
bzip2 -9 <$< >$@
......@@ -564,12 +576,21 @@ postscript-$(PAPER)-$(RELEASE).tgz: postscript-$(PAPER)-$(RELEASE).tar
postscript-$(PAPER)-$(RELEASE).zip: $(PSFILES) paper-$(PAPER)/README
rm -f $@
cd paper-$(PAPER) && zip -q -9 ../$@ *.ps README
mkdir Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
cp paper-$(PAPER)/*.ps Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
cp paper-$(PAPER)/README Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
zip -q -r -9 $@ Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
rm -r Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
HTMLPKGFILES=*.html */*.css */*.html */*.gif */*.txt
cd html && \
tar cf ../html-$(RELEASE).tar *.html */*.css */*.html \
*/*.gif */*.txt
mkdir Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
cd html && tar cf ../temp.tar $(HTMLPKGFILES)
cd Python-Docs-$(RELEASE) && tar xf ../temp.tar
rm temp.tar
tar cf html-$(RELEASE).tar Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
rm -r Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
html-$(RELEASE).tgz: html-$(RELEASE).tar
gzip -9 <$? >$@
......@@ -579,11 +600,19 @@ html-$(RELEASE).tar.bz2: html-$(RELEASE).tar
rm -f $@
cd html && \
zip -q -9 ../$@ *.html */*.css */*.html */*.gif */*.txt
mkdir Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
cd html && tar cf ../temp.tar $(HTMLPKGFILES)
cd Python-Docs-$(RELEASE) && tar xf ../temp.tar
rm temp.tar
zip -q -r -9 $@ Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
rm -r Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
isilo-$(RELEASE).zip: isilo
cd isilo && zip -q -9 ../$@ python-*-$(RELEASE).pdb
rm -f $@
mkdir Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
cp isilo/python-*.pdb Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
zip -q -r -9 $@ Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
rm -r Python-Docs-$(RELEASE)
# convenience targets:
......@@ -652,6 +681,6 @@ clobber:
rm -rf isilo/api/ isilo/doc/ isilo/ext/ isilo/lib/ isilo/mac/
rm -rf isilo/ref/ isilo/tut/ isilo/inst/ isilo/dist/
rm -rf isilo/whatsnew/
rm -f isilo/python-*-$(RELEASE).pdb isilo-$(RELEASE).zip
rm -f isilo/python-*.pdb isilo-$(RELEASE).zip
realclean distclean: clobber
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def main():
cvstag = args[1]
tempdir = tempfile.mktemp()
pkgdir = os.path.join(tempdir, "Python-" + release)
pkgdir = os.path.join(tempdir, "Python-Docs-" + release)
pwd = os.getcwd()
mydir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
......@@ -90,14 +90,15 @@ def main():
# For some reason, SourceForge/CVS doesn't seem to care that we
# might not have done a "cvs login" to the anonymous server.
# That avoids a lot of painful gunk here.
if not quiet:
print "--- current directory is:", pkgdir
if cvstag:
run("cvs -d%s export -r %s -d Doc python/dist/src/Doc"
% (cvsroot, cvstag))
run("cvs -d%s export -r %s -d Python-Docs-%s python/dist/src/Doc"
% (cvsroot, cvstag, release))
run("cvs -Q -d%s checkout -d Doc python/dist/src/Doc" % cvsroot)
run("cvs -Q -d%s checkout -d Python-Docs-%s python/dist/src/Doc"
% (cvsroot, release))
# remove CVS directories
for p in ('*/CVS', '*/*/CVS', '*/*/*/CVS'):
map(shutil.rmtree, glob.glob(p))
......@@ -105,13 +106,13 @@ def main():
map(os.unlink, glob.glob(f))
LICENSE = os.path.normpath(
os.path.join(mydir, os.pardir, os.pardir, "LICENSE"))
shutil.copyfile(LICENSE, "Doc/LICENSE")
shutil.copyfile(LICENSE, "LICENSE")
if tools:
archive = "doctools-" + release
# we don't want the actual documents in this case:
for d in ("api", "dist", "doc", "ext", "inst",
"lib", "mac", "ref", "tut"):
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(os.path.join(pkgdir, "Doc"), d))
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(pkgdir, d))
archive = "latex-" + release
......@@ -121,15 +122,15 @@ def main():
archive = os.path.join(pwd, archive)
for format in formats:
if format == "bzip2":
run("tar cf - Python-%s | bzip2 -9 >%s.tar.bz2"
run("tar cf - Python-Docs-%s | bzip2 -9 >%s.tar.bz2"
% (release, archive))
elif format == "gzip":
run("tar cf - Python-%s | gzip -9 >%s.tgz"
run("tar cf - Python-Docs-%s | gzip -9 >%s.tgz"
% (release, archive))
elif format == "zip":
if os.path.exists(archive + ".zip"):
os.unlink(archive + ".zip")
run("zip -q -r9 Python-%s"
run("zip -q -r9 Python-Docs-%s"
% (archive, release))
# clean up the work area:
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