Commit 1a14d3d1 authored by R. David Murray's avatar R. David Murray

Issue #7585: use tab between components in unified and context diff headers.

Instead of spaces between the filename and date (or whatever the string
is that follows the filename, if any) use tabs.  This is what the unix
'diff' command does, for example, and difflib was intended to follow
the 'standard' way of doing diffs.  This improves compatibility with
patch tools.  The docs and examples are also changed to recommended that
the date format used be the ISO 8601 format, which is what modern diff
tools emit by default.

Patch by Anatoly Techtonik.
parent 9aca91d7
......@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ diffs. For comparing directories and files, see also, the :mod:`filecmp` module.
The context diff format normally has a header for filenames and modification
times. Any or all of these may be specified using strings for *fromfile*,
*tofile*, *fromfiledate*, and *tofiledate*. The modification times are normally
expressed in the format returned by :func:`time.ctime`. If not specified, the
*tofile*, *fromfiledate*, and *tofiledate*. The modification times are normally
expressed in the ISO 8601 format. If not specified, the
strings default to blanks.
>>> s1 = ['bacon\n', 'eggs\n', 'ham\n', 'guido\n']
......@@ -281,8 +281,8 @@ diffs. For comparing directories and files, see also, the :mod:`filecmp` module.
The context diff format normally has a header for filenames and modification
times. Any or all of these may be specified using strings for *fromfile*,
*tofile*, *fromfiledate*, and *tofiledate*. The modification times are normally
expressed in the format returned by :func:`time.ctime`. If not specified, the
*tofile*, *fromfiledate*, and *tofiledate*. The modification times are normally
expressed in the ISO 8601 format. If not specified, the
strings default to blanks.
>>> s1 = ['bacon\n', 'eggs\n', 'ham\n', 'guido\n']
......@@ -1161,18 +1161,18 @@ def unified_diff(a, b, fromfile='', tofile='', fromfiledate='',
The unidiff format normally has a header for filenames and modification
times. Any or all of these may be specified using strings for
'fromfile', 'tofile', 'fromfiledate', and 'tofiledate'. The modification
times are normally expressed in the format returned by time.ctime().
'fromfile', 'tofile', 'fromfiledate', and 'tofiledate'.
The modification times are normally expressed in the ISO 8601 format.
>>> for line in unified_diff('one two three four'.split(),
... 'zero one tree four'.split(), 'Original', 'Current',
... 'Sat Jan 26 23:30:50 1991', 'Fri Jun 06 10:20:52 2003',
... '2005-01-26 23:30:50', '2010-04-02 10:20:52',
... lineterm=''):
... print line
--- Original Sat Jan 26 23:30:50 1991
+++ Current Fri Jun 06 10:20:52 2003
... print line # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
--- Original 2005-01-26 23:30:50
+++ Current 2010-04-02 10:20:52
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
......@@ -1185,8 +1185,10 @@ def unified_diff(a, b, fromfile='', tofile='', fromfiledate='',
started = False
for group in SequenceMatcher(None,a,b).get_grouped_opcodes(n):
if not started:
yield '--- %s %s%s' % (fromfile, fromfiledate, lineterm)
yield '+++ %s %s%s' % (tofile, tofiledate, lineterm)
fromdate = '\t%s' % fromfiledate if fromfiledate else ''
todate = '\t%s' % tofiledate if tofiledate else ''
yield '--- %s%s%s' % (fromfile, fromdate, lineterm)
yield '+++ %s%s%s' % (tofile, todate, lineterm)
started = True
i1, i2, j1, j2 = group[0][1], group[-1][2], group[0][3], group[-1][4]
yield "@@ -%d,%d +%d,%d @@%s" % (i1+1, i2-i1, j1+1, j2-j1, lineterm)
......@@ -1224,16 +1226,15 @@ def context_diff(a, b, fromfile='', tofile='',
The context diff format normally has a header for filenames and
modification times. Any or all of these may be specified using
strings for 'fromfile', 'tofile', 'fromfiledate', and 'tofiledate'.
The modification times are normally expressed in the format returned
by time.ctime(). If not specified, the strings default to blanks.
The modification times are normally expressed in the ISO 8601 format.
If not specified, the strings default to blanks.
>>> print ''.join(context_diff('one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\n'.splitlines(1),
... 'zero\none\ntree\nfour\n'.splitlines(1), 'Original', 'Current',
... 'Sat Jan 26 23:30:50 1991', 'Fri Jun 06 10:22:46 2003')),
*** Original Sat Jan 26 23:30:50 1991
--- Current Fri Jun 06 10:22:46 2003
... 'zero\none\ntree\nfour\n'.splitlines(1), 'Original', 'Current')),
*** Original
--- Current
*** 1,4 ****
......@@ -1251,8 +1252,10 @@ def context_diff(a, b, fromfile='', tofile='',
prefixmap = {'insert':'+ ', 'delete':'- ', 'replace':'! ', 'equal':' '}
for group in SequenceMatcher(None,a,b).get_grouped_opcodes(n):
if not started:
yield '*** %s %s%s' % (fromfile, fromfiledate, lineterm)
yield '--- %s %s%s' % (tofile, tofiledate, lineterm)
fromdate = '\t%s' % fromfiledate if fromfiledate else ''
todate = '\t%s' % tofiledate if tofiledate else ''
yield '*** %s%s%s' % (fromfile, fromdate, lineterm)
yield '--- %s%s%s' % (tofile, todate, lineterm)
started = True
yield '***************%s' % (lineterm,)
......@@ -159,10 +159,32 @@ class TestSFpatches(unittest.TestCase):
difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, old, new).get_opcodes()
class TestOutputFormat(unittest.TestCase):
def test_tab_delimiter(self):
args = ['one', 'two', 'Original', 'Current',
'2005-01-26 23:30:50', '2010-04-02 10:20:52']
ud = difflib.unified_diff(*args, lineterm='')
self.assertEqual(list(ud)[0:2], [
"--- Original\t2005-01-26 23:30:50",
"+++ Current\t2010-04-02 10:20:52"])
cd = difflib.context_diff(*args, lineterm='')
self.assertEqual(list(cd)[0:2], [
"*** Original\t2005-01-26 23:30:50",
"--- Current\t2010-04-02 10:20:52"])
def test_no_trailing_tab_on_empty_filedate(self):
args = ['one', 'two', 'Original', 'Current']
ud = difflib.unified_diff(*args, lineterm='')
self.assertEqual(list(ud)[0:2], ["--- Original", "+++ Current"])
cd = difflib.context_diff(*args, lineterm='')
self.assertEqual(list(cd)[0:2], ["*** Original", "--- Current"])
def test_main():
difflib.HtmlDiff._default_prefix = 0
Doctests = doctest.DocTestSuite(difflib)
run_unittest(TestSFpatches, TestSFbugs, Doctests)
run_unittest(TestSFpatches, TestSFbugs, TestOutputFormat, Doctests)
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -747,6 +747,7 @@ Christian Tanzer
Steven Taschuk
Monty Taylor
Amy Taylor
Anatoly Techtonik
Tobias Thelen
James Thomas
Robin Thomas
......@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #7585: difflib context and unified diffs now place a tab between
filename and date, conforming to the 'standards' they were originally
designed to follow. This improves compatibility with patch tools.
- Issue #7472: Fixed typo in email.encoders module; messages using ISO-2022
character sets will now consistently use a Content-Transfer-Encoding of
7bit rather than sometimes being marked as 8bit.
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