Commit 1a1a6461 authored by Serhiy Storchaka's avatar Serhiy Storchaka

Correct and improve comments in test_fileinput (closes #20501).

Thanks Vajrasky Kok and Zachary Ware.
parent 73496bcd
......@@ -228,6 +228,8 @@ class FileInputTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.addCleanup(safe_unlink, TESTFN)
fi = FileInput(files=TESTFN, openhook=hook_encoded('ascii'), bufsize=8)
# The most likely failure is a UnicodeDecodeError due to the entire
# file being read when it shouldn't have been.
self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), u'A\n')
self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), u'B\r\n')
self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), u'C\r')
......@@ -240,11 +242,9 @@ class Test_hook_encoded(unittest.TestCase):
"""Unit tests for fileinput.hook_encoded()"""
def test_modes(self):
# Unlikely UTF-7 is locale encoding
with open(TESTFN, 'wb') as f:
# UTF-7 is a convenient, seldom used encoding
#t1 = writeTmp(1, ['A\nB\r\nC\rD+IKw-'], mode='wb')
self.addCleanup(safe_unlink, TESTFN)
def check(mode, expected_lines):
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