Commit 1a4d9ffa authored by Cheryl Sabella's avatar Cheryl Sabella Committed by Terry Jan Reedy

bpo-32411: IDLE: Remove line number sort in (#5011)

Insertion in line order makes sorting keys by line order unneeded.
parent e5f6207b
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ Released on 2019-10-20?
bpo-32411: Stop sorting dict created with desired line order.
bpo-37038: Make runnable; add test clause.
bpo-36958: Print any argument other than None or int passed to
......@@ -29,9 +29,10 @@ def transform_children(child_dict, modname=None):
The dictionary maps names to pyclbr information objects.
Filter out imported objects.
Augment class names with bases.
Sort objects by line number.
The insertion order of the dictonary is assumed to have been in line
number order, so sorting is not necessary.
The current tree only calls this once per child_dic as it saves
The current tree only calls this once per child_dict as it saves
TreeItems once created. A future tree and tests might violate this,
so a check prevents multiple in-place augmentations.
......@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ def transform_children(child_dict, modname=None):
supers.append(sname) += '({})'.format(', '.join(supers))
return sorted(obs, key=lambda o: o.lineno)
return obs
class ModuleBrowser:
......@@ -61,16 +61,16 @@ class ModuleBrowserTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Nested tree same as in except for supers on C0. C1.
mb = pyclbr
module, fname = 'test', ''
f0 = mb.Function(module, 'f0', fname, 1)
f1 = mb._nest_function(f0, 'f1', 2)
f2 = mb._nest_function(f1, 'f2', 3)
c1 = mb._nest_class(f0, 'c1', 5)
C0 = mb.Class(module, 'C0', ['base'], fname, 6)
F1 = mb._nest_function(C0, 'F1', 8)
C1 = mb._nest_class(C0, 'C1', 11, [''])
C2 = mb._nest_class(C1, 'C2', 12)
F3 = mb._nest_function(C2, 'F3', 14)
mock_pyclbr_tree = {'f0': f0, 'C0': C0}
C0 = mb.Class(module, 'C0', ['base'], fname, 1)
F1 = mb._nest_function(C0, 'F1', 3)
C1 = mb._nest_class(C0, 'C1', 6, [''])
C2 = mb._nest_class(C1, 'C2', 7)
F3 = mb._nest_function(C2, 'F3', 9)
f0 = mb.Function(module, 'f0', fname, 11)
f1 = mb._nest_function(f0, 'f1', 12)
f2 = mb._nest_function(f1, 'f2', 13)
c1 = mb._nest_class(f0, 'c1', 15)
mock_pyclbr_tree = {'C0': C0, 'f0': f0}
# Adjust, so tests do not depend on order.
browser.transform_children(mock_pyclbr_tree, 'test') # C0(base)
......@@ -87,12 +87,12 @@ class TransformChildrenTest(unittest.TestCase):
transform = browser.transform_children
# Parameter matches tree module.
tcl = list(transform(mock_pyclbr_tree, 'test'))
eq(tcl, [f0, C0])
eq(tcl[0].name, 'f0')
eq(tcl[1].name, 'C0(base)')
eq(tcl, [C0, f0])
eq(tcl[0].name, 'C0(base)')
eq(tcl[1].name, 'f0')
# Check that second call does not change suffix.
tcl = list(transform(mock_pyclbr_tree, 'test'))
eq(tcl[1].name, 'C0(base)')
eq(tcl[0].name, 'C0(base)')
# Nothing to traverse if parameter name isn't same as tree module.
tcl = list(transform(mock_pyclbr_tree, 'different name'))
eq(tcl, [])
In, remove extraneous sorting by line number since dictionary was
created in line number order.
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