Commit 1b033325 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Added tests for findall().

Added test for m.groups() with default.
Added a few prints announcing various tests in verbose mode.
parent 5f01bc6b
......@@ -165,6 +165,22 @@ try:
except AssertionError:
raise TestFailed, "qualified re.split"
if verbose:
print "Running tests on re.findall"
assert re.findall(":+", "abc") == []
assert re.findall(":+", "a:b::c:::d") == [":", "::", ":::"]
assert re.findall("(:+)", "a:b::c:::d") == [":", "::", ":::"]
assert re.findall("(:)(:*)", "a:b::c:::d") == [(":", ""),
(":", ":"),
(":", "::")]
except AssertionError:
raise TestFailed, "re.findall"
if verbose:
print "Running tests on re.match"
# No groups at all
m = re.match('a', 'a') ; assert m.groups() == ()
......@@ -176,6 +192,7 @@ try:
assert pat.match('b').groups() == ('b', None, 'b', None)
assert pat.match('ac').groups() == ('a', 'a', None, 'c')
assert pat.match('bc').groups() == ('b', None, 'b', 'c')
assert pat.match('bc').groups("") == ('b', "", 'b', 'c')
except AssertionError:
raise TestFailed, "match .groups() method"
......@@ -192,6 +209,9 @@ try:
except AssertionError:
raise TestFailed, "match .group() method"
if verbose:
print "Running tests on re.escape"
for i in range(0, 256):
......@@ -204,7 +224,7 @@ try:
assert pat.match(p).span() == (0,256)
except AssertionError:
raise TestFailed, "re.escape"
if verbose:
print 'Pickling a RegexObject instance'
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