Commit 1b2b8ee7 authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Added support for unicode strings (utxt).

parent 28320ccb
......@@ -88,6 +88,11 @@ def pack(x, forcetype = None):
return AE.AECreateDesc('doub', struct.pack('d', x))
if t == StringType:
return AE.AECreateDesc('TEXT', x)
if t == UnicodeType:
data = t.encode('utf16')
if data[:2] == '\xfe\xff':
data = data[2:]
return AE.AECreateDesc('utxt', data)
if t == ListType:
list = AE.AECreateList('', 0)
for item in x:
......@@ -132,6 +137,8 @@ def unpack(desc):
return struct.unpack('b',[0]
if t == typeChar:
if t == typeUnicodeText:
return unicode(, 'utf16')
# typeColorTable coerced to typeAEList
# typeComp coerced to extended
# typeData returned as unknown
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