Commit 1ba96003 authored by Greg Ward's avatar Greg Ward

Fixed 'get_outputs()' so it actually works.

Added 'get_inputs()' (which is strikingly similar to 'get_outputs()' - sigh).
Cosmetic tweaks.
parent ac02ecfc
......@@ -365,9 +365,9 @@ class install (Command):
# Run all sub-commands: currently this just means install all
# Python modules using 'install_lib'.
for (func, cmd) in self.sub_commands:
for (func, cmd_name) in self.sub_commands:
if func is None or func():
self.run_peer (cmd)
self.run_peer (cmd_name)
if self.path_file:
self.create_path_file ()
......@@ -387,13 +387,25 @@ class install (Command):
# This command doesn't have any outputs of its own, so just
# get the outputs of all its sub-commands.
outputs = []
for (func, cmd) in self.sub_commands:
for (func, cmd_name) in self.sub_commands:
if func is None or func():
outputs.extend (self.run_peer (cmd))
cmd = self.find_peer (cmd_name)
outputs.extend (cmd.get_outputs())
return outputs
def get_inputs (self):
# XXX gee, this looks familiar ;-(
inputs = []
for (func, cmd_name) in self.sub_commands:
if func is None or func():
cmd = self.find_peer (cmd_name)
inputs.extend (cmd.get_inputs())
return inputs
def create_path_file (self):
filename = os.path.join (self.install_libbase,
self.path_file + ".pth")
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