Commit 1c763cd5 authored by Ezio Melotti's avatar Ezio Melotti

#10385: use the mod role in subprocess docs.

parent a6dc3d5b
......@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ modules and functions can be found in the following sections.
:pep:`324` -- PEP proposing the subprocess module
Using the subprocess Module
Using the :mod:`subprocess` Module
The recommended approach to invoking subprocesses is to use the following
convenience functions for all use cases they can handle. For more advanced
......@@ -731,8 +731,8 @@ The :mod:`subprocess` module exposes the following constants.
.. _subprocess-replacements:
Replacing Older Functions with the subprocess Module
Replacing Older Functions with the :mod:`subprocess` Module
In this section, "a becomes b" means that b can be used as a replacement for a.
......@@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ In this section, "a becomes b" means that b can be used as a replacement for a.
the raised exception.
In the following examples, we assume that the relevant functions have already
been imported from the subprocess module.
been imported from the :mod:`subprocess` module.
Replacing /bin/sh shell backquote
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