Commit 1d4601c2 authored by Matthias Bussonnier's avatar Matthias Bussonnier Committed by Brett Cannon

bpo-29576: add explicit deprecation for and find_module() (GH-32)

parent 72dccde8
......@@ -140,6 +140,17 @@ Deprecated
``0x03050400`` and ``0x03060000`` (not including) or ``0x03060100`` or
higher. (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in :issue:`27867`.)
- Methods
:meth:`MetaPathFinder.find_module() <>`
(replaced by
:meth:`MetaPathFinder.find_spec() <>`
) and
:meth:`PathEntryFinder.find_loader() <>`
(replaced by
:meth:`PathEntryFinder.find_spec() <>`)
both deprecated in Python 3.4 now emit :exc:`DeprecationWarning`. (Contributed
by Matthias Bussonnier in :issue:`29576`)
......@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ def find_loader(name, path=None):
This function is deprecated in favor of importlib.util.find_spec().
warnings.warn('Use importlib.util.find_spec() instead.',
warnings.warn('Deprecated since Python 3.4. '
'Use importlib.util.find_spec() instead.',
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
loader = sys.modules[name].__loader__
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ try:
except ImportError as exc:
_frozen_importlib_external = _bootstrap_external
import abc
import warnings
def _register(abstract_cls, *classes):
......@@ -34,6 +35,8 @@ class Finder(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
reimplementations of the import system. Otherwise, finder
implementations should derive from the more specific MetaPathFinder
or PathEntryFinder ABCs.
Deprecated since Python 3.3
......@@ -57,11 +60,16 @@ class MetaPathFinder(Finder):
If no module is found, return None. The fullname is a str and
the path is a list of strings or None.
This method is deprecated in favor of finder.find_spec(). If find_spec()
exists then backwards-compatible functionality is provided for this
This method is deprecated since Python 3.4 in favor of
finder.find_spec(). If find_spec() exists then backwards-compatible
functionality is provided for this method.
warnings.warn("MetaPathFinder.find_module() is deprecated since Python "
"3.4 in favor of MetaPathFinder.find_spec()"
"(available since 3.4)",
if not hasattr(self, 'find_spec'):
return None
found = self.find_spec(fullname, path)
......@@ -94,10 +102,15 @@ class PathEntryFinder(Finder):
The portion will be discarded if another path entry finder
locates the module as a normal module or package.
This method is deprecated in favor of finder.find_spec(). If find_spec()
is provided than backwards-compatible functionality is provided.
This method is deprecated since Python 3.4 in favor of
finder.find_spec(). If find_spec() is provided than backwards-compatible
functionality is provided.
warnings.warn("PathEntryFinder.find_loader() is deprecated since Python "
"3.4 in favor of PathEntryFinder.find_spec() "
"(available since 3.4)",
if not hasattr(self, 'find_spec'):
return None, []
found = self.find_spec(fullname)
......@@ -163,6 +163,9 @@ class MetaPathFinderDefaultsTests(ABCTestHarness):
# Calling the method is a no-op.
def test_find_module_warns(self):
with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
self.ins.find_module('something', None)
......@@ -189,6 +192,9 @@ class PathEntryFinderDefaultsTests(ABCTestHarness):
# Should be a no-op.
def test_find_loader_warns(self):
with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
......@@ -229,6 +229,9 @@ Extension Modules
- bpo-29576: Improve some deprecations in importlib. Some deprecated methods
now emit DeprecationWarnings and have better descriptive messages.
- bpo-29534: Fixed different behaviour of Decimal.from_float()
for _decimal and _pydecimal. Thanks Andrew Nester.
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