Commit 1e07403b authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Some nits...

Add the script directory to the path.

Fix the sanity checks on the arguments so they don't mess up the -m
option; remove the requirement that the script must have a .py
parent a5568d34
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"""Freeze a Python script into a binary.
usage: freeze [options...] [module]...
usage: freeze [options...] script [module]...
......@@ -43,8 +43,7 @@ Options:
Arguments: The Python script to be executed by the resulting binary.
It *must* end with a .py suffix!
script: The Python script to be executed by the resulting binary.
module ...: Additional Python modules (referenced by pathname)
that will be included in the resulting binary. These
......@@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ def main():
prefix = None # settable with -p option
exec_prefix = None # settable with -P option
extensions = []
path = sys.path
path = sys.path[:]
modargs = 0
debug = 1
odir = ''
......@@ -195,16 +194,16 @@ def main():
if not args:
usage('at least one filename argument required')
# check that the script name ends in ".py"
if args[0][-3:] != ".py":
usage('the script name must have a .py suffix')
# check that file arguments exist
for arg in args:
if arg == '-m':
if not os.path.exists(arg):
usage('argument %s not found' % arg)
if not os.path.isfile(arg):
usage('%s: not a plain file' % arg)
if modargs:
# process non-option arguments
scriptfile = args[0]
......@@ -238,6 +237,8 @@ def main():
# Actual work starts here...
# collect all modules of the program
dir = os.path.dirname(scriptfile)
path[0] = dir
mf = modulefinder.ModuleFinder(path, debug)
for mod in implicits:
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