Commit 1e0b3a9c authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

Bug 772091: doctest.DocTestSuite does not support __test__

This got fixed "by magic" as part of the refactoring, but wasn't tested
as such.  Now it is.
parent 83f4d340
"""This is a sample module that doesn't really test anything all that
It simply has a few tests, some of which suceed and some of which fail.
It simply has a few tests, some of which succeed and some of which fail.
It's important that the numbers remain constance, as another test is
It's important that the numbers remain constant as another test is
testing the running of these tests.
......@@ -61,6 +61,16 @@ def y_is_one():
__test__ = {'good': """
>>> 42
'bad': """
>>> 42
def test_suite():
import doctest
return doctest.DocTestSuite()
......@@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ Run the debugger on the docstring, and then restore sys.stdin.
def test_DocTestSuite():
"""DocTestSuite creates a unittest test suite into a doctest.
"""DocTestSuite creates a unittest test suite from a doctest.
We create a Suite by providing a module. A module can be provided
by passing a module object:
......@@ -995,19 +995,19 @@ def test_DocTestSuite():
>>> import test.sample_doctest
>>> suite = doctest.DocTestSuite(test.sample_doctest)
<unittest.TestResult run=7 errors=0 failures=3>
<unittest.TestResult run=9 errors=0 failures=4>
We can also supply the module by name:
>>> suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest')
<unittest.TestResult run=7 errors=0 failures=3>
<unittest.TestResult run=9 errors=0 failures=4>
We can use the current module:
>>> suite = test.sample_doctest.test_suite()
<unittest.TestResult run=7 errors=0 failures=3>
<unittest.TestResult run=9 errors=0 failures=4>
We can supply global variables. If we pass globs, they will be
used instead of the module globals. Here we'll pass an empty
......@@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ def test_DocTestSuite():
>>> suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest', globs={})
<unittest.TestResult run=7 errors=0 failures=4>
<unittest.TestResult run=9 errors=0 failures=5>
Alternatively, we can provide extra globals. Here we'll make an
error go away by providing an extra global variable:
......@@ -1023,17 +1023,17 @@ def test_DocTestSuite():
>>> suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest',
... extraglobs={'y': 1})
<unittest.TestResult run=7 errors=0 failures=2>
<unittest.TestResult run=9 errors=0 failures=3>
You can pass option flags. Here we'll cause an extra error
by disabling the blank-line feature:
>>> suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest',
... optionflags=doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE)
... optionflags=doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE)
<unittest.TestResult run=7 errors=0 failures=4>
<unittest.TestResult run=9 errors=0 failures=5>
You can supply setUp and teatDoen functions:
You can supply setUp and tearDown functions:
>>> def setUp():
... import test.test_doctest
......@@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ def test_DocTestSuite():
>>> suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest',
... setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown)
<unittest.TestResult run=7 errors=0 failures=2>
<unittest.TestResult run=9 errors=0 failures=3>
But the tearDown restores sanity:
......@@ -1059,15 +1059,18 @@ def test_DocTestSuite():
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'sillySetup'
Finally, you can provide an alternate test finder. Here we'll
use a custom test_finder to to run just the test named bar:
use a custom test_finder to to run just the test named bar.
However, the test in the module docstring, and the two tests
in the module __test__ dict, aren't filtered, so we actually
run three tests besides bar's. The filtering mechanisms are
poorly conceived, and will go away someday.
>>> finder = doctest.DocTestFinder(
... namefilter=lambda prefix, base: base!='bar')
>>> suite = doctest.DocTestSuite('test.sample_doctest',
... test_finder=finder)
<unittest.TestResult run=2 errors=0 failures=0>
<unittest.TestResult run=4 errors=0 failures=1>
def test_DocFileSuite():
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