Commit 1ec262be authored by Steve Dower's avatar Steve Dower

Issue #27932: Prevent memory leak in win32_ver().

parent 1c75c18e
......@@ -498,65 +498,6 @@ _WIN32_SERVER_RELEASES = {
(6, None): "post2012ServerR2",
def _get_real_winver(maj, min, build):
if maj < 6 or (maj == 6 and min < 2):
return maj, min, build
from ctypes import (c_buffer, POINTER, byref, create_unicode_buffer,
Structure, WinDLL)
from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD, HANDLE
class VS_FIXEDFILEINFO(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("dwSignature", DWORD),
("dwStrucVersion", DWORD),
("dwFileVersionMS", DWORD),
("dwFileVersionLS", DWORD),
("dwProductVersionMS", DWORD),
("dwProductVersionLS", DWORD),
("dwFileFlagsMask", DWORD),
("dwFileFlags", DWORD),
("dwFileOS", DWORD),
("dwFileType", DWORD),
("dwFileSubtype", DWORD),
("dwFileDateMS", DWORD),
("dwFileDateLS", DWORD),
kernel32 = WinDLL('kernel32')
version = WinDLL('version')
# We will immediately double the length up to MAX_PATH, but the
# path may be longer, so we retry until the returned string is
# shorter than our buffer.
name_len = actual_len = 130
while actual_len == name_len:
name_len *= 2
name = create_unicode_buffer(name_len)
actual_len = kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW(HANDLE(kernel32._handle),
name, len(name))
if not actual_len:
return maj, min, build
size = version.GetFileVersionInfoSizeW(name, None)
if not size:
return maj, min, build
ver_block = c_buffer(size)
if (not version.GetFileVersionInfoW(name, None, size, ver_block) or
not ver_block):
return maj, min, build
if not version.VerQueryValueW(ver_block, "", byref(pvi), byref(DWORD())):
return maj, min, build
maj = pvi.contents.dwProductVersionMS >> 16
min = pvi.contents.dwProductVersionMS & 0xFFFF
build = pvi.contents.dwProductVersionLS >> 16
return maj, min, build
def win32_ver(release='', version='', csd='', ptype=''):
from sys import getwindowsversion
......@@ -568,7 +509,7 @@ def win32_ver(release='', version='', csd='', ptype=''):
from _winreg import OpenKeyEx, QueryValueEx, CloseKey, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
winver = getwindowsversion()
maj, min, build = _get_real_winver(*winver[:3])
maj, min, build = winver._platform_version or winver[:3]
version = '{0}.{1}.{2}'.format(maj, min, build)
release = (_WIN32_CLIENT_RELEASES.get((maj, min)) or
......@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #27932: Prevent memory leak in win32_ver().
- Fix UnboundLocalError in socket._sendfile_use_sendfile.
- Issue #28075: Check for ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED in Windows implementation of
......@@ -825,6 +825,7 @@ static PyStructSequence_Field windows_version_fields[] = {
{"service_pack_minor", "Service Pack minor version number"},
{"suite_mask", "Bit mask identifying available product suites"},
{"product_type", "System product type"},
{"_platform_version", "Diagnostic version number"},
......@@ -849,6 +850,12 @@ sys_getwindowsversion(PyObject *self)
PyObject *version;
int pos = 0;
DWORD realMajor, realMinor, realBuild;
HANDLE hKernel32;
wchar_t kernel32_path[MAX_PATH];
LPVOID verblock;
DWORD verblock_size;
ver.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(ver);
if (!GetVersionEx((OSVERSIONINFO*) &ver))
return PyErr_SetFromWindowsErr(0);
......@@ -867,10 +874,40 @@ sys_getwindowsversion(PyObject *self)
PyStructSequence_SET_ITEM(version, pos++, PyLong_FromLong(ver.wSuiteMask));
PyStructSequence_SET_ITEM(version, pos++, PyLong_FromLong(ver.wProductType));
realMajor = ver.dwMajorVersion;
realMinor = ver.dwMinorVersion;
realBuild = ver.dwBuildNumber;
// GetVersion will lie if we are running in a compatibility mode.
// We need to read the version info from a system file resource
// to accurately identify the OS version. If we fail for any reason,
// just return whatever GetVersion said.
hKernel32 = GetModuleHandleW(L"kernel32.dll");
if (hKernel32 && GetModuleFileNameW(hKernel32, kernel32_path, MAX_PATH) &&
(verblock_size = GetFileVersionInfoSizeW(kernel32_path, NULL)) &&
(verblock = PyMem_RawMalloc(verblock_size))) {
UINT ffi_len;
if (GetFileVersionInfoW(kernel32_path, 0, verblock_size, verblock) &&
VerQueryValueW(verblock, L"", (LPVOID)&ffi, &ffi_len)) {
realMajor = HIWORD(ffi->dwProductVersionMS);
realMinor = LOWORD(ffi->dwProductVersionMS);
realBuild = HIWORD(ffi->dwProductVersionLS);
PyStructSequence_SET_ITEM(version, pos++, PyTuple_Pack(3,
if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
return NULL;
return version;
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