Commit 1eca062b authored by Benjamin Peterson's avatar Benjamin Peterson

fix test to run and test that smtpd does support ELHO (closes #19125)

parent 05ab7028
......@@ -239,14 +239,14 @@ class DebuggingServerTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(smtp.rset(), expected)
def testNotImplemented(self):
def testELHO(self):
# EHLO isn't implemented in DebuggingServer
smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=3)
expected = (502, b'Error: command "EHLO" not implemented')
expected = (250, b'\nSIZE 33554432\nHELP')
self.assertEqual(smtp.ehlo(), expected)
def testNotImplemented(self):
def testEXPNNotImplemented(self):
# EXPN isn't implemented in DebuggingServer
smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=3)
expected = (502, b'EXPN not implemented')
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