Commit 1f4aaaa2 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Fix the test output, now that escapes in repr() of string and Unicode

are different (Ping didn't test this).
parent 4adb86a6
......@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ test_mmap
<type 'mmap'>
Position of foo: 1.0 pages
Length of file: 2.0 pages
Contents of byte 0: '\000'
Contents of first 3 bytes: '\000\000\000'
Contents of byte 0: '\x00'
Contents of first 3 bytes: '\x00\x00\x00'
Modifying file's content...
Contents of byte 0: '3'
Contents of first 3 bytes: '3\000\000'
Contents of second page: '\000foobar\000'
Contents of first 3 bytes: '3\x00\x00'
Contents of second page: '\x00foobar\x00'
Regex match on mmap (page start, length of match): 1.0 6
Seek to zeroth byte
Seek to 42nd byte
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