Commit 1f75f5d5 authored by Alexander Belopolsky's avatar Alexander Belopolsky

Fixed deprecation warnings.

parent 0e803b33
......@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ class TestCoverage(unittest.TestCase):
lines, cov, module = line.split()[:3]
coverage[module] = (int(lines), int(cov[:-1]))
# XXX This is needed to run as a script
modname = trace.fullmodname(sys.modules[modname].__file__)
modname = trace._fullmodname(sys.modules[modname].__file__)
self.assertIn(modname, coverage)
self.assertEqual(coverage[modname], (5, 100))
......@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ class TestCoverage(unittest.TestCase):
class Test_Ignore(unittest.TestCase):
def test_ignored(self):
jn = os.path.join
ignore = trace.Ignore(['x', 'y.z'], [jn('foo', 'bar')])
ignore = trace._Ignore(['x', 'y.z'], [jn('foo', 'bar')])
self.assertTrue(ignore.names('', 'x'))
self.assertFalse(ignore.names('', 'xy'))
self.assertFalse(ignore.names('', 'y'))
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