Commit 1f7c4a16 authored by Serhiy Storchaka's avatar Serhiy Storchaka

Added test_user_command in test_tcl.

It tests the convertion Tcl values to Python values when Tcl calls a command
implemented on Python. Currently all values are passed as strings.
parent b4f7a8e0
......@@ -204,6 +204,34 @@ class TclTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(passValue((1, '2', (3.4,))),
(1, '2', (3.4,)) if self.wantobjects else '1 2 3.4')
def test_user_command(self):
result = []
def testfunc(arg):
return arg
self.interp.createcommand('testfunc', testfunc)
def check(value, expected):
del result[:]
self.assertEqual('testfunc', value), expected)
self.assertEqual(result, [expected])
check(True, '1')
check(False, '0')
check('string', 'string')
check('string\xbd', 'string\xbd')
check('string\u20ac', 'string\u20ac')
for i in (0, 1, -1, 2**31-1, -2**31):
check(i, str(i))
for f in (0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1/3,
sys.float_info.min, sys.float_info.max,
-sys.float_info.min, -sys.float_info.max):
check(f, repr(f))
check(float('nan'), 'NaN')
check(float('inf'), 'Inf')
check(-float('inf'), '-Inf')
check((), '')
check((1, (2,), (3, 4), '5 6', ()), '1 2 {3 4} {5 6} {}')
def test_splitlist(self):
splitlist =
call =
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