Commit 20c92283 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Patch by Per Cederqvist, seemingly approved by The Dragon:

Two problems: The SMTPRecipientsRefused class should not inherit
SMTPResponseException, since it doesn't provide the smtp_code and
smtp_error attributes.  My patch for not adding an extra CRLF was
apparently forgotten.  The enclosed patch fixes these two problems.
parent 4747f7f6
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class SMTPSenderRefused(SMTPResponseException):
self.sender = sender
self.args = (code, msg, sender)
class SMTPRecipientsRefused(SMTPResponseException):
class SMTPRecipientsRefused(SMTPException):
"""All recipient addresses refused.
The errors for each recipient are accessable thru the attribute
'recipients', which is a dictionary of exactly the same sort as
......@@ -371,8 +371,11 @@ class SMTP:
if code <> 354:
raise SMTPDataError(code,repl)
self.send("%s.%s" % (CRLF, CRLF))
q = quotedata(msg)
if q[-2:] != CRLF:
q = q + CRLF
q = q + "." + CRLF
if self.debuglevel >0 : print "data:", (code,msg)
return (code,msg)
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