Commit 241dc9c4 authored by Terry Jan Reedy's avatar Terry Jan Reedy

Merge with 3.6

parents b3b01c32 246cbf23
......@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ def make_pat():
# 1st 'file' colorized normal, 2nd as builtin, 3rd as string
builtin = r"([^.'\"\\#]\b|^)" + any("BUILTIN", builtinlist) + r"\b"
comment = any("COMMENT", [r"#[^\n]*"])
stringprefix = r"(\br|u|ur|R|U|UR|Ur|uR|b|B|br|Br|bR|BR|rb|rB|Rb|RB)?"
stringprefix = (r"(\br|R|u|U|f|F|fr|Fr|fR|FR|rf|rF|Rf|RF"
sqstring = stringprefix + r"'[^'\\\n]*(\\.[^'\\\n]*)*'?"
dqstring = stringprefix + r'"[^"\\\n]*(\\.[^"\\\n]*)*"?'
sq3string = stringprefix + r"'''[^'\\]*((\\.|'(?!''))[^'\\]*)*(''')?"
......@@ -261,8 +262,14 @@ def _color_delegator(parent): # htest #
top = Toplevel(parent)
top.title("Test ColorDelegator")
x, y = map(int, parent.geometry().split('+')[1:])
top.geometry("200x100+%d+%d" % (x + 250, y + 175))
source = "if somename: x = 'abc' # comment\nprint\n"
top.geometry("600x200+%d+%d" % (x + 100, y + 175))
source = ("# Following has syntax errors\n"
"if True: then int 1\nelif False: print 0\nelse: float(None)\n"
"#unicode and byte strings, valid prefixes should be colored\n"
"'x', '''x''', \"x\", \"\"\"x\"\"\"\n"
"r'x', u'x', R'x', U'x', f'x', F'x', ur'is invalid'\n"
"fr'x', Fr'x', fR'x', FR'x', rf'x', rF'x', Rf'x', RF'x'\n"
"b'x',B'x', br'x',Br'x',bR'x',BR'x', rb'x'.rB'x',Rb'x',RB'x'\n")
text = Text(top, background="white")
text.pack(expand=1, fill="both")
text.insert("insert", source)
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