Commit 244b1372 authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

New file: list resource-ids in one place.

parent 050df771
** Resource-IDs in use by Python.
** All resources used by the python interpreter itself fall
** in the range 128-256.
** Standard python modules use resources in the range
** 256-512.
** Python programs that use their own resources are advised to
** choose resource numbers higher than 512.
** Resources that reside in the python executable (or, for
** shared ppc python, in the core dynamic library)
/* The alert for "No Python directory, where is it?" */
#define NOPYTHON_ALERT 128
#define YES_ITEM 1
#define NO_ITEM 2
#define CURWD_ITEM 3
/* The alert for "this is an applet template" */
#define NOPYC_ALERT 129
/* The dialog for our GetDirectory and PromptGetFile call */
#define GETDIR_ID 130 /* Resource ID for our "get directory" */
#define GETFILEPROMPT_ID 132 /* Resource id for prompted get file */
#define PROMPT_ITEM 10 /* The prompt, at the top */
#define SELECTCUR_ITEM 11 /* "Select current directory" button */
/* The dialog for interactive options */
#define OPT_DIALOG 131 /* Resource ID for dialog */
#define OPT_OK 1
#define OPT_CANCEL 2
#define OPT_INSPECT 3
#define OPT_VERBOSE 4
#define OPT_SUPPRESS 5
** The following are valid both in the binary (or shared library)
** and in the Preferences file
/* The STR# resource for sys.path initialization */
#define PYTHONPATH_ID 128
/* The alis resource for locating the python home directory */
#define PYTHONHOME_ID 128
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