Commit 244c26e1 authored by Vladimir Marangozov's avatar Vladimir Marangozov

Break the cycles after testing cmp() on cyclic objects.

parent c124be0f
......@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ if cmp(a, b) != 0: raise TestFailed, "cmp(%s, %s)" % (a, b)
if cmp(b, c) != 0: raise TestFailed, "cmp(%s, %s)" % (b, c)
if cmp(c, a) != 0: raise TestFailed, "cmp(%s, %s)" % (c, a)
if cmp(a, c) != 0: raise TestFailed, "cmp(%s, %s)" % (a, c)
# okay, now break the cycles
a.pop(); b.pop(); c.pop()
print 'coerce'
if fcmp(coerce(1, 1.1), (1.0, 1.1)): raise TestFailed, 'coerce(1, 1.1)'
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