Commit 24e43308 authored by Martin v. Löwis's avatar Martin v. Löwis

* Issue #16113: Remove sha3 module again.

Patch by Christian Heimes, with modifications.
parent f3b46b4a
......@@ -60,13 +60,9 @@ concatenation of the data fed to it so far using the :meth:`digest` or
Constructors for hash algorithms that are always present in this module are
:func:`md5`, :func:`sha1`, :func:`sha224`, :func:`sha256`, :func:`sha384`,
:func:`sha512`, :func:`sha3_224`, :func:`sha3_256`, :func:`sha3_384`, and
:func:`sha3_512`. Additional algorithms may also be available depending upon
and :func:`sha512`. Additional algorithms may also be available depending upon
the OpenSSL library that Python uses on your platform.
.. versionchanged:: 3.4
Added sha3 family of hash algorithms.
For example, to obtain the digest of the byte string ``b'Nobody inspects the
spammish repetition'``::
......@@ -590,25 +590,6 @@ The :mod:`select` and contains the following notice for the kqueue interface::
The module :mod:`_sha3` and :mod:`hashlib` are using the reference
implementation of Keccak. The files at :file:`Modules/_sha3/keccak/` contain
the following note::
The Keccak sponge function, designed by Guido Bertoni, Joan Daemen,
Michaël Peeters and Gilles Van Assche. For more information, feedback or
questions, please refer to our website:
Implementation by the designers,
hereby denoted as "the implementer".
To the extent possible under law, the implementer has waived all copyright
and related or neighboring rights to the source code in this file.
......@@ -123,8 +123,6 @@ Significantly Improved Library Modules:
* :ref:`Single-dispatch generic functions <whatsnew-singledispatch>` in
:mod:`functools` (:pep:`443`).
* New :mod:`pickle` :ref:`protocol 4 <whatsnew-protocol-4>` (:pep:`3154`).
* :ref:`SHA-3 (Keccak) support <whatsnew-sha3>` for :mod:`hashlib`
* :ref:`TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 support <whatsnew-tls-11-12>` for :mod:`ssl`
* :mod:`multiprocessing` now has :ref:`an option to avoid using os.fork
......@@ -667,12 +665,6 @@ hashlib
New :func:`hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac` function.
(Contributed by Christian Heimes in :issue:`18582`)
.. _whatsnew-sha3:
New :ref:`hash algorithms <hash-algorithms>` ``sha3_224()``, ``sha3_256()``,
``sha3_384()``, and ``sha3_512()``. (Contributed by Christian Heimes in
......@@ -54,8 +54,7 @@ More condensed:
# This tuple and __get_builtin_constructor() must be modified if a new
# always available algorithm is added.
__always_supported = ('md5', 'sha1', 'sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512',
'sha3_224', 'sha3_256', 'sha3_384', 'sha3_512')
__always_supported = ('md5', 'sha1', 'sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512')
algorithms_guaranteed = set(__always_supported)
algorithms_available = set(__always_supported)
......@@ -86,13 +85,6 @@ def __get_builtin_constructor(name):
import _sha512
cache['SHA384'] = cache['sha384'] = _sha512.sha384
cache['SHA512'] = cache['sha512'] = _sha512.sha512
elif name in {'sha3_224', 'sha3_256', 'sha3_384', 'sha3_512',
'SHA3_224', 'SHA3_256', 'SHA3_384', 'SHA3_512'}:
import _sha3
cache['SHA3_224'] = cache['sha3_224'] = _sha3.sha3_224
cache['SHA3_256'] = cache['sha3_256'] = _sha3.sha3_256
cache['SHA3_384'] = cache['sha3_384'] = _sha3.sha3_384
cache['SHA3_512'] = cache['sha3_512'] = _sha3.sha3_512
except ImportError:
pass # no extension module, this hash is unsupported.
......@@ -38,10 +38,7 @@ def hexstr(s):
class HashLibTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
supported_hash_names = ( 'md5', 'MD5', 'sha1', 'SHA1',
'sha224', 'SHA224', 'sha256', 'SHA256',
'sha384', 'SHA384', 'sha512', 'SHA512',
'sha3_224', 'sha3_256', 'sha3_384',
'sha3_512', 'SHA3_224', 'SHA3_256',
'SHA3_384', 'SHA3_512' )
'sha384', 'SHA384', 'sha512', 'SHA512')
# Issue #14693: fallback modules are always compiled under POSIX
_warn_on_extension_import = == 'posix' or COMPILED_WITH_PYDEBUG
......@@ -102,12 +99,6 @@ class HashLibTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
if _sha512:
_sha3 = self._conditional_import_module('_sha3')
if _sha3:
super(HashLibTestCase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
......@@ -234,10 +225,6 @@ class HashLibTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def check_blocksize_name(self, name, block_size=0, digest_size=0):
constructors = self.constructors_to_test[name]
......@@ -257,10 +244,6 @@ class HashLibTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.check_blocksize_name('sha256', 64, 32)
self.check_blocksize_name('sha384', 128, 48)
self.check_blocksize_name('sha512', 128, 64)
self.check_blocksize_name('sha3_224', NotImplemented, 28)
self.check_blocksize_name('sha3_256', NotImplemented, 32)
self.check_blocksize_name('sha3_384', NotImplemented, 48)
self.check_blocksize_name('sha3_512', NotImplemented, 64)
def test_case_md5_0(self):
self.check('md5', b'', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e')
......@@ -396,27 +379,6 @@ class HashLibTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
# SHA-3 family
def test_case_sha3_224_0(self):
self.check('sha3_224', b"",
def test_case_sha3_224_1(self):
self.check('sha3_224', bytes.fromhex("CC"),
def test_case_sha3_224_2(self):
self.check('sha3_224', bytes.fromhex("41FB"),
def test_case_sha3_224_3(self):
self.check('sha3_224', bytes.fromhex(
@bigmemtest(size=_4G + 5, memuse=1)
def test_case_sha3_224_huge(self, size):
if size == _4G + 5:
......@@ -426,78 +388,6 @@ class HashLibTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
except OverflowError:
pass # 32-bit arch
def test_case_sha3_256_0(self):
self.check('sha3_256', b"",
def test_case_sha3_256_1(self):
self.check('sha3_256', bytes.fromhex("CC"),
def test_case_sha3_256_2(self):
self.check('sha3_256', bytes.fromhex("41FB"),
def test_case_sha3_256_3(self):
self.check('sha3_256', bytes.fromhex(
def test_case_sha3_384_0(self):
self.check('sha3_384', b"",
def test_case_sha3_384_1(self):
self.check('sha3_384', bytes.fromhex("CC"),
def test_case_sha3_384_2(self):
self.check('sha3_384', bytes.fromhex("41FB"),
def test_case_sha3_384_3(self):
self.check('sha3_384', bytes.fromhex(
def test_case_sha3_512_0(self):
self.check('sha3_512', b"",
def test_case_sha3_512_1(self):
self.check('sha3_512', bytes.fromhex("CC"),
def test_case_sha3_512_2(self):
self.check('sha3_512', bytes.fromhex("41FB"),
def test_case_sha3_512_3(self):
self.check('sha3_512', bytes.fromhex(
def test_gil(self):
# Check things work fine with an input larger than the size required
# for multithreaded operation (which is hardwired to 2048).
......@@ -501,7 +501,6 @@ coverage-lcov:
: # remove 3rd party modules and system headers
@lcov --remove $(COVERAGE_INFO) \
'*/Modules/_ctypes/libffi*/*' \
'*/Modules/_sha3/keccak/*' \
'*/Modules/_decimal/libmpdec/*' \
'*/Modules/expat/*' \
'*/Modules/zlib/*' \
......@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #16113: Remove sha3 module again.
- Issue #20111: pathlib.Path.with_suffix() now sanity checks the given suffix.
- Fix breakage in TestSuite.countTestCases() introduced by issue #11798.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2012 Christian Heimes (
# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
# cleanup Keccak sources
import os
import re
CPP1 = re.compile("^//(.*)")
CPP2 = re.compile("\ //(.*)")
STATICS = ("void ", "int ", "HashReturn ", "const UINT64 ", "UINT16 ")
HERE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
KECCAK = os.path.join(HERE, "keccak")
def getfiles():
for name in os.listdir(KECCAK):
name = os.path.join(KECCAK, name)
if os.path.isfile(name):
yield name
def cleanup(f):
buf = []
for line in f:
# mark all functions and global data as static
if line.startswith(STATICS):
buf.append("static " + line)
# remove UINT64 typedef, we have our own
if line.startswith("typedef unsigned long long int"):
buf.append("/* %s */\n" % line.strip())
# remove #include "brg_endian.h"
if "brg_endian.h" in line:
buf.append("/* %s */\n" % line.strip())
# transform C++ comments into ANSI C comments
line = CPP1.sub(r"/* \1 */", line)
line = CPP2.sub(r" /* \1 */", line)
return "".join(buf)
for name in getfiles():
with open(name) as f:
res = cleanup(f)
with open(name, "w") as f:
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
The Keccak sponge function, designed by Guido Bertoni, Joan Daemen,
Michaël Peeters and Gilles Van Assche. For more information, feedback or
questions, please refer to our website:
Implementation by the designers,
hereby denoted as "the implementer".
To the extent possible under law, the implementer has waived all copyright
and related or neighboring rights to the source code in this file.
#ifdef UseSchedule
#if (UseSchedule == 1)
#include "KeccakF-1600-32-s1.macros"
#elif (UseSchedule == 2)
#include "KeccakF-1600-32-s2.macros"
#elif (UseSchedule == 3)
#include "KeccakF-1600-32-rvk.macros"
#error "This schedule is not supported."
#include "KeccakF-1600-32-s1.macros"
This diff is collapsed.
#define ProvideFast576
#define ProvideFast832
#define ProvideFast1024
#define ProvideFast1088
#define ProvideFast1152
#define ProvideFast1344
The Keccak sponge function, designed by Guido Bertoni, Joan Daemen,
Michaël Peeters and Gilles Van Assche. For more information, feedback or
questions, please refer to our website:
Implementation by the designers,
hereby denoted as "the implementer".
To the extent possible under law, the implementer has waived all copyright
and related or neighboring rights to the source code in this file.
#ifndef _KeccakPermutationInterface_h_
#define _KeccakPermutationInterface_h_
#include "KeccakF-1600-int-set.h"
static void KeccakInitialize( void );
static void KeccakInitializeState(unsigned char *state);
static void KeccakPermutation(unsigned char *state);
#ifdef ProvideFast576
static void KeccakAbsorb576bits(unsigned char *state, const unsigned char *data);
#ifdef ProvideFast832
static void KeccakAbsorb832bits(unsigned char *state, const unsigned char *data);
#ifdef ProvideFast1024
static void KeccakAbsorb1024bits(unsigned char *state, const unsigned char *data);
#ifdef ProvideFast1088
static void KeccakAbsorb1088bits(unsigned char *state, const unsigned char *data);
#ifdef ProvideFast1152
static void KeccakAbsorb1152bits(unsigned char *state, const unsigned char *data);
#ifdef ProvideFast1344
static void KeccakAbsorb1344bits(unsigned char *state, const unsigned char *data);
static void KeccakAbsorb(unsigned char *state, const unsigned char *data, unsigned int laneCount);
#ifdef ProvideFast1024
static void KeccakExtract1024bits(const unsigned char *state, unsigned char *data);
static void KeccakExtract(const unsigned char *state, unsigned char *data, unsigned int laneCount);
#define Unrolling 2
#define UseBebigokimisa
#define UseInterleaveTables
#define UseSchedule 3
This diff is collapsed.
#define Unrolling 24
#define UseBebigokimisa
#define UseSSE
#define UseOnlySIMD64
#define UseMMX
#define UseSHLD
#define UseXOP
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
The Keccak sponge function, designed by Guido Bertoni, Joan Daemen,
Michaël Peeters and Gilles Van Assche. For more information, feedback or
questions, please refer to our website:
Implementation by the designers,
hereby denoted as "the implementer".
To the extent possible under law, the implementer has waived all copyright
and related or neighboring rights to the source code in this file.
#if (Unrolling == 24)
#define rounds \
prepareTheta \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta( 0, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta( 1, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta( 2, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta( 3, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta( 4, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta( 5, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta( 6, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta( 7, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta( 8, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta( 9, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(10, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(11, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(12, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(13, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(14, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(15, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(16, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(17, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(18, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(19, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(20, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(21, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(22, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIota(23, E, A) \
copyToState(state, A)
#elif (Unrolling == 12)
#define rounds \
prepareTheta \
for(i=0; i<24; i+=12) { \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i , A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+ 1, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+ 2, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+ 3, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+ 4, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+ 5, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+ 6, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+ 7, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+ 8, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+ 9, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+10, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+11, E, A) \
} \
copyToState(state, A)
#elif (Unrolling == 8)
#define rounds \
prepareTheta \
for(i=0; i<24; i+=8) { \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i , A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+1, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+2, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+3, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+4, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+5, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+6, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+7, E, A) \
} \
copyToState(state, A)
#elif (Unrolling == 6)
#define rounds \
prepareTheta \
for(i=0; i<24; i+=6) { \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i , A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+1, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+2, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+3, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+4, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+5, E, A) \
} \
copyToState(state, A)
#elif (Unrolling == 4)
#define rounds \
prepareTheta \
for(i=0; i<24; i+=4) { \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i , A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+1, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+2, A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+3, E, A) \
} \
copyToState(state, A)
#elif (Unrolling == 3)
#define rounds \
prepareTheta \
for(i=0; i<24; i+=3) { \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i , A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+1, E, A) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+2, A, E) \
copyStateVariables(A, E) \
} \
copyToState(state, A)
#elif (Unrolling == 2)
#define rounds \
prepareTheta \
for(i=0; i<24; i+=2) { \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i , A, E) \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i+1, E, A) \
} \
copyToState(state, A)
#elif (Unrolling == 1)
#define rounds \
prepareTheta \
for(i=0; i<24; i++) { \
thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(i , A, E) \
copyStateVariables(A, E) \
} \
copyToState(state, A)
#error "Unrolling is not correctly specified!"
This diff is collapsed.
The Keccak sponge function, designed by Guido Bertoni, Joan Daemen,
Michaël Peeters and Gilles Van Assche. For more information, feedback or
questions, please refer to our website:
Implementation by the designers,
hereby denoted as "the implementer".
To the extent possible under law, the implementer has waived all copyright
and related or neighboring rights to the source code in this file.
#include <string.h>
#include "KeccakNISTInterface.h"
#include "KeccakF-1600-interface.h"
static HashReturn Init(hashState *state, int hashbitlen)
switch(hashbitlen) {
case 0: /* Default parameters, arbitrary length output */
InitSponge((spongeState*)state, 1024, 576);
case 224:
InitSponge((spongeState*)state, 1152, 448);
case 256:
InitSponge((spongeState*)state, 1088, 512);
case 384:
InitSponge((spongeState*)state, 832, 768);
case 512:
InitSponge((spongeState*)state, 576, 1024);
state->fixedOutputLength = hashbitlen;
return SUCCESS;
static HashReturn Update(hashState *state, const BitSequence *data, DataLength databitlen)
if ((databitlen % 8) == 0)
return Absorb((spongeState*)state, data, databitlen);
else {
HashReturn ret = Absorb((spongeState*)state, data, databitlen - (databitlen % 8));
if (ret == SUCCESS) {
unsigned char lastByte;
/* Align the last partial byte to the least significant bits */
lastByte = data[databitlen/8] >> (8 - (databitlen % 8));
return Absorb((spongeState*)state, &lastByte, databitlen % 8);
return ret;
static HashReturn Final(hashState *state, BitSequence *hashval)
return Squeeze(state, hashval, state->fixedOutputLength);
static HashReturn Hash(int hashbitlen, const BitSequence *data, DataLength databitlen, BitSequence *hashval)
hashState state;
HashReturn result;
if ((hashbitlen != 224) && (hashbitlen != 256) && (hashbitlen != 384) && (hashbitlen != 512))
return BAD_HASHLEN; * Only the four fixed output lengths available through this API *
result = Init(&state, hashbitlen);
if (result != SUCCESS)
return result;
result = Update(&state, data, databitlen);
if (result != SUCCESS)
return result;
result = Final(&state, hashval);
return result;
The Keccak sponge function, designed by Guido Bertoni, Joan Daemen,
Michaël Peeters and Gilles Van Assche. For more information, feedback or
questions, please refer to our website:
Implementation by the designers,
hereby denoted as "the implementer".
To the extent possible under law, the implementer has waived all copyright
and related or neighboring rights to the source code in this file.
#ifndef _KeccakNISTInterface_h_
#define _KeccakNISTInterface_h_
#include "KeccakSponge.h"
typedef unsigned char BitSequence;
typedef unsigned long long DataLength;
typedef enum { SUCCESS = 0, FAIL = 1, BAD_HASHLEN = 2 } HashReturn;
typedef spongeState hashState;
* Function to initialize the state of the Keccak[r, c] sponge function.
* The rate r and capacity c values are determined from @a hashbitlen.
* @param state Pointer to the state of the sponge function to be initialized.
* @param hashbitlen The desired number of output bits,
* or 0 for Keccak[] with default parameters
* and arbitrarily-long output.
* @pre The value of hashbitlen must be one of 0, 224, 256, 384 and 512.
* @return SUCCESS if successful, BAD_HASHLEN if the value of hashbitlen is incorrect.
static HashReturn Init(hashState *state, int hashbitlen);
* Function to give input data for the sponge function to absorb.
* @param state Pointer to the state of the sponge function initialized by Init().
* @param data Pointer to the input data.
* When @a databitLen is not a multiple of 8, the last bits of data must be
* in the most significant bits of the last byte.
* @param databitLen The number of input bits provided in the input data.
* @pre In the previous call to Absorb(), databitLen was a multiple of 8.
* @return SUCCESS if successful, FAIL otherwise.
static HashReturn Update(hashState *state, const BitSequence *data, DataLength databitlen);
* Function to squeeze output data from the sponge function.
* If @a hashbitlen was not 0 in the call to Init(), the number of output bits is equal to @a hashbitlen.
* If @a hashbitlen was 0 in the call to Init(), the output bits must be extracted using the Squeeze() function.
* @param state Pointer to the state of the sponge function initialized by Init().
* @param hashval Pointer to the buffer where to store the output data.
* @return SUCCESS if successful, FAIL otherwise.
static HashReturn Final(hashState *state, BitSequence *hashval);
* Function to compute a hash using the Keccak[r, c] sponge function.
* The rate r and capacity c values are determined from @a hashbitlen.
* @param hashbitlen The desired number of output bits.
* @param data Pointer to the input data.
* When @a databitLen is not a multiple of 8, the last bits of data must be
* in the most significant bits of the last byte.
* @param databitLen The number of input bits provided in the input data.
* @param hashval Pointer to the buffer where to store the output data.
* @pre The value of hashbitlen must be one of 224, 256, 384 and 512.
* @return SUCCESS if successful, BAD_HASHLEN if the value of hashbitlen is incorrect.
static HashReturn Hash(int hashbitlen, const BitSequence *data, DataLength databitlen, BitSequence *hashval);
This diff is collapsed.
The Keccak sponge function, designed by Guido Bertoni, Joan Daemen,
Michaël Peeters and Gilles Van Assche. For more information, feedback or
questions, please refer to our website:
Implementation by the designers,
hereby denoted as "the implementer".
To the extent possible under law, the implementer has waived all copyright
and related or neighboring rights to the source code in this file.
#ifndef _KeccakSponge_h_
#define _KeccakSponge_h_
#define KeccakPermutationSize 1600
#define KeccakPermutationSizeInBytes (KeccakPermutationSize/8)
#define KeccakMaximumRate 1536
#define KeccakMaximumRateInBytes (KeccakMaximumRate/8)
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#define ALIGN __attribute__ ((aligned(32)))
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#define ALIGN __declspec(align(32))
#define ALIGN
ALIGN typedef struct spongeStateStruct {
ALIGN unsigned char state[KeccakPermutationSizeInBytes];
ALIGN unsigned char dataQueue[KeccakMaximumRateInBytes];
unsigned int rate;
unsigned int capacity;
unsigned int bitsInQueue;
unsigned int fixedOutputLength;
int squeezing;
unsigned int bitsAvailableForSqueezing;
} spongeState;
* Function to initialize the state of the Keccak[r, c] sponge function.
* The sponge function is set to the absorbing phase.
* @param state Pointer to the state of the sponge function to be initialized.
* @param rate The value of the rate r.
* @param capacity The value of the capacity c.
* @pre One must have r+c=1600 and the rate a multiple of 64 bits in this implementation.
* @return Zero if successful, 1 otherwise.
static int InitSponge(spongeState *state, unsigned int rate, unsigned int capacity);
* Function to give input data for the sponge function to absorb.
* @param state Pointer to the state of the sponge function initialized by InitSponge().
* @param data Pointer to the input data.
* When @a databitLen is not a multiple of 8, the last bits of data must be
* in the least significant bits of the last byte.
* @param databitLen The number of input bits provided in the input data.
* @pre In the previous call to Absorb(), databitLen was a multiple of 8.
* @pre The sponge function must be in the absorbing phase,
* i.e., Squeeze() must not have been called before.
* @return Zero if successful, 1 otherwise.
static int Absorb(spongeState *state, const unsigned char *data, unsigned long long databitlen);
* Function to squeeze output data from the sponge function.
* If the sponge function was in the absorbing phase, this function
* switches it to the squeezing phase.
* @param state Pointer to the state of the sponge function initialized by InitSponge().
* @param output Pointer to the buffer where to store the output data.
* @param outputLength The number of output bits desired.
* It must be a multiple of 8.
* @return Zero if successful, 1 otherwise.
static int Squeeze(spongeState *state, unsigned char *output, unsigned long long outputLength);
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -152,8 +152,6 @@ Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_testbuffer", "_testbuffer.
{CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26} = {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_sha3", "_sha3.vcproj", "{04F37400-883C-42D7-AE28-6CF9953BF975}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
This diff is collapsed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
<Filter Include="Source Files">
<ClCompile Include="..\Modules\_sha3\sha3module.c">
<Filter>Source Files</Filter>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -74,10 +74,6 @@ Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "pywlauncher", "pywlauncher.
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_freeze_importlib", "_freeze_importlib.vcxproj", "{19C0C13F-47CA-4432-AFF3-799A296A4DDC}"
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_sha3", "_sha3.vcxproj", "{254A0C05-6696-4B08-8CB2-EF7D533AEE01}"
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_overlapped", "_overlapped.vcxproj", "{EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}"
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_testembed", "_testembed.vcxproj", "{6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}"
......@@ -140,7 +140,6 @@ _hashlib
......@@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ extensions = [
......@@ -827,15 +827,6 @@ class PyBuildExt(build_ext):
exts.append( Extension('_sha1', ['sha1module.c'],
depends=['hashlib.h']) )
# SHA-3 (Keccak) module
sha3_depends = ['hashlib.h']
keccak = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), srcdir, 'Modules', '_sha3',
for pattern in ('*.c', '*.h', '*.macros'):
sha3_depends.extend(glob(os.path.join(keccak, pattern)))
exts.append(Extension("_sha3", ["_sha3/sha3module.c"],
# Modules that provide persistent dictionary-like semantics. You will
# probably want to arrange for at least one of them to be available on
# your machine, though none are defined by default because of library
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