Commit 24f3a182 authored by Terry Jan Reedy's avatar Terry Jan Reedy

Issue #27262: move Aqua unbinding code, which enable context menus, to maxosx.

parent d03ed8a4
......@@ -206,6 +206,16 @@ def overrideRootMenu(root, flist):
# remove redundant "IDLE Help" from menu
del mainmenu.menudefs[-1][1][0]
def fixb2context(root):
'''Removed bad AquaTk Button-2 (right) and Paste bindings.
They prevent context menu access and seem to be gone in AquaTk8.6.
See issue #24801.
root.unbind_class('Text', '<B2>')
root.unbind_class('Text', '<B2-Motion>')
root.unbind_class('Text', '<<PasteSelection>>')
def setupApp(root, flist):
Perform initial OS X customizations if needed.
......@@ -227,3 +237,4 @@ def setupApp(root, flist):
overrideRootMenu(root, flist)
addOpenEventSupport(root, flist)
......@@ -1548,14 +1548,6 @@ def main():
flist = PyShellFileList(root)
macosx.setupApp(root, flist)
if macosx.isAquaTk():
# There are some screwed up <2> class bindings for text
# widgets defined in Tk which we need to do away with.
# See issue #24801.
root.unbind_class('Text', '<B2>')
root.unbind_class('Text', '<B2-Motion>')
root.unbind_class('Text', '<<PasteSelection>>')
if enable_edit:
if not (cmd or script):
for filename in args[:]:
Markdown is supported
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