Commit 2516fc16 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Lots of things added. README written (mostly).

parent 7d121e84
What is Freeze?
Freeze make it possible to ship arbitrary Python programs to people
who don't have Python. The shipped file (called a "frozen" version of
your Python program) is an executable, so this only works if your
platform is compatible with that on the receiving end (this is usually
a matter of having the same major operating system revision and CPU
The shipped file contains a Python interpreter and large portions of
the Python run-time. Some measures have been taken to avoid linking
unneeded modules, but the resulting binary is usually not small.
The Python source code of your program (and of the library modules
written in Python that it uses) is not included in the binary --
instead, the compiled byte-code (the instruction stream used
internally by the interpreter) is incorporated. This gives some
protection of your Python source code, though not much -- a
disassembler for Python byte-code is available in the standard Python
library. At least someone running "strings" on your binary won't see
the source.
How does Freeze know which modules to include?
Freeze uses a pretty simple-minded algorithm to find the modules that
your program uses: given a file containing Python source code, it
scans for lines beginning with the word "import" or "from" (possibly
preceded by whitespace) and then it knows where to find the module
name(s) in those lines. It then recursively scans the source for
those modules (if found, and not already processed) in the same way.
Freeze will not see import statements hidden behind another statement,
like this:
if some_test: import M # M not seen
or like this:
import A; import B; import C # B and C not seen
nor will it see import statements constructed using string
operations and passed to 'exec', like this:
exec "import %s" % "M" # M not seen
On the other hand, Freeze will think you are importing a module even
if the import statement it sees will never be executed, like this:
if 0:
import M # M is seen
One tricky issue: Freeze assumes that the Python interpreter and
environment you're using to run Freeze is the same one that would be
used to run your program, which should also be the same whose sources
and installed files you will learn about in the next section. In
particular, your PYTHONPATH setting should be the same as for running
your program locally. (Tip: if the program doesn't run when you type
"python" there's little chance of getting the frozen version
to run.)
How do I use Freeze?
Ideally, you should be able to use it as follows:
where is your program and is the main file of
Freeze (in actuality, you'll probably specify an absolute pathname
such as /ufs/guido/src/python/Demo/freeze/
Unfortunately, this doesn't work. Well, it might, but somehow it's
extremely unlikely that it'll work on the first try. (If it does,
skip to the next section.) Most likely you'll get this error message:
needed directory /usr/local/lib/python/lib not found
The reason is that Freeze require that some files that are normally
kept inside the Python build tree are installed, and it searches for
it in the default install location. (The default install prefix is
/usr/local; these particular files are installed at lib/python/lib
under the install prefix.)
The particular set of files needed is installed only if you run "make
libainstall" (note: "liba", not "lib") in the Python build tree (which
is the tree where you build Python -- often, but not necessarily, this
is also the Python source tree). If you have in fact done a "make
libainstall" but used a different prefix, all you need to do is pass
that same prefix to Freeze with the -p option:
python -p your-prefix
(If you haven't run "make libainstall" yet, go and do it now and don't
come back until you've done it.)
How do I configure Freeze?
It's a good idea to change the line marked with XXX in (an
assignment to variable PACK) to point to the absolute pathname of the
directory where Freeze lives (Demo/freeze in the Python source tree.)
This makes it possible to call Freeze from other directories.
You can also edit the assignment to variable PREFIX -- this saves a
lot of -p options.
How do I use Freeze with extensions modules?
XXX to be written. (In short: pass -e extensionbuilddir.)
How do I use Freeze with dynamically loaded extension modules?
XXX to be written. (In short: pass -e modulebuilddir -- this even
works if you built the modules in Python's own Modules directory.)
What do I do next?
Freeze creates three files: frozen.c, config.c and Makefile. To
produce the frozen version of your program, you can simply type
"make". This should produce a binary file. If the filename argument
to Freeze was "", the binary will be called "hello". On the
other hand, if the argument was "hello", the binary will be called
"hello.bin". If you passed any other filename, all bets are off. :-)
In any case, the name of the file will be printed as the last message
from Freeze.
Help! I've tried everything but it doesn't work!
Freeze is currently beta software. You could email me a bug report.
Please give as much context as possible -- "Freeze doesn't work" is
not going to get much sympathy. You could fix the bug and send me a
patch. You could learn Tcl.
If you are thinking about debugging Freeze, start playing with a
really simple program first (like "print 'hello world'"). If you
can't get that to work there's something fundamentally wrong with your
environment (or with your understanding of it). Gradually build it up
to use more modules and extensions until you find where it stops
working. After that, you're on your own -- happy hacking!
--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <>
# Check for a module in a set of extension directories.
# An extension directory should contain a Setup file
# and one or more .o files or a lib.a file.
import os
import string
import parsesetup
def checkextensions(unknown, extensions):
files = []
modules = []
edict = {}
for e in extensions:
setup = os.path.join(e, 'Setup')
liba = os.path.join(e, 'lib.a')
if not os.path.isfile(liba):
liba = None
edict[e] = parsesetup.getsetupinfo(setup), liba
for mod in unknown:
for e in extensions:
(mods, vars), liba = edict[e]
if not mods.has_key(mod):
if liba:
# If we find a lib.a, use it, ignore the
# .o files, and use *all* libraries for
# *all* modules in the Setup file
if liba in files:
for m in mods.keys():
files = files + select(e, mods, vars,
m, 1)
files = files + select(e, mods, vars, mod, 0)
return files, modules
def select(e, mods, vars, mod, skipofiles):
files = []
for w in mods[mod]:
w = treatword(w)
if not w:
w = expandvars(w, vars)
if skipofiles and w[-2:] == '.o':
if w[0] != '-' and w[-2:] in ('.o', '.a'):
w = os.path.join(e, w)
return files
cc_flags = ['-I', '-D', '-U']
cc_exts = ['.c', '.C', '.cc', '.c++']
def treatword(w):
if w[:2] in cc_flags:
return None
if w[:1] == '-':
return w # Assume loader flag
head, tail = os.path.split(w)
base, ext = os.path.splitext(tail)
if ext in cc_exts:
tail = base + '.o'
w = os.path.join(head, tail)
return w
def expandvars(str, vars):
i = 0
while i < len(str):
i = k = string.find(str, '$', i)
if i < 0:
i = i+1
var = str[i:i+1]
i = i+1
if var == '(':
j = string.find(str, ')', i)
if j < 0:
var = str[i:j]
i = j+1
if vars.has_key(var):
str = str[:k] + vars[var] + str[i:]
i = k
return str
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ def findmodules(scriptfile, modules = [], path = sys.path):
for name in modules:
mod = os.path.basename(name)
if mod[-3:] == '.py': mod = mod[:-3]
elif mod[-4:] == '.pyc': mod = mod[:-4]
todo[mod] = name
done = closure(todo)
return done
......@@ -94,7 +95,6 @@ def scanfile(filename):
# Return filename, or '<builtin>', or '<unknown>'.
builtins = sys.builtin_module_names
if 'sys' not in builtins: builtins.append('sys')
tails = ['.py', '.pyc']
def findmodule(modname, path = sys.path):
#! /usr/local/bin/python
# "Freeze" a Python script into a binary.
# Usage: see first function below (before the imports!)
# Usage: see variable usage_msg below (before the imports!)
# - Edit the line at XXX below before running!
# - Edit the lines marked XXX below to localize.
# - You must have done "make inclinstall libainstall" in the Python
# build directory.
# - The script should not use dynamically loaded modules
# (*.so on most systems).
# XXX Change the following line to point to your Demo/freeze directory!
pack = '/ufs/guido/src/python/Demo/freeze'
# Usage message
usage_msg = """
usage: freeze [-p prefix] [-e extension] ... script [module] ...
# Print usage message and exit
-p prefix: This is the prefix used when you ran
'Make inclinstall libainstall' in the Python build directory.
(If you never ran this, freeze won't work.)
The default is /usr/local.
def usage(msg = None):
if msg:
sys.stderr.write(str(msg) + '\n')
sys.stderr.write('usage: freeze [-p prefix] script [module] ...\n')
-e extension: A directory containing additional .o files that
may be used to resolve modules. This directory
should also have a Setup file describing the .o files.
More than one -e option may be given.
script: The Python script to be executed by the resulting binary.
module ...: Additional Python modules (referenced by pathname)
that will be included in the resulting binary. These
may be .py or .pyc files.
# XXX Change the following line to point to your Demo/freeze directory
PACK = '/ufs/guido/src/python/Demo/freeze'
# XXX Change the following line to point to your install prefix
PREFIX = '/usr/local'
# Import standard modules
import cmp
import getopt
import os
import string
......@@ -38,29 +56,27 @@ import addpack
dir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
if dir:
pack = dir
pack = PACK
# Import the freeze-private modules
import checkextensions
import findmodules
import makeconfig
import makefreeze
import makemakefile
import parsesetup
hint = """
Use the '-p prefix' command line option to specify the prefix used
when you ran 'Make inclinstall libainstall' in the Python build directory.
(Please specify an absolute path.)
# Main program
def main():
# overridable context
prefix = '/usr/local' # settable with -p option
prefix = PREFIX # settable with -p option
extensions = []
path = sys.path
# output files
......@@ -71,14 +87,14 @@ def main():
# parse command line
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'p:')
if not args:
raise getopt.error, 'not enough arguments'
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'e:p:')
except getopt.error, msg:
usage('getopt error: ' + str(msg))
# proces option arguments
for o, a in opts:
if o == '-e':
if o == '-p':
prefix = a
......@@ -89,13 +105,13 @@ def main():
frozenmain_c = os.path.join(binlib, 'frozenmain.c')
makefile_in = os.path.join(binlib, 'Makefile')
defines = ['-DHAVE_CONFIG_H', '-DUSE_FROZEN', '-DNO_MAIN',
includes = ['-I' + incldir, '-I' + binlib]
# sanity check of locations
for dir in prefix, binlib, incldir:
# sanity check of directories and files
for dir in [prefix, binlib, incldir] + extensions:
if not os.path.exists(dir):
usage('needed directory %s not found' % dir + hint)
usage('needed directory %s not found' % dir)
if not os.path.isdir(dir):
usage('%s: not a directory' % dir)
for file in config_c_in, makefile_in, frozenmain_c:
......@@ -103,6 +119,16 @@ def main():
usage('needed file %s not found' % file)
if not os.path.isfile(file):
usage('%s: not a plain file' % file)
for dir in extensions:
setup = os.path.join(dir, 'Setup')
if not os.path.exists(setup):
usage('needed file %s not found' % setup)
if not os.path.isfile(setup):
usage('%s: not a plain file' % setup)
# check that enough arguments are passed
if not args:
usage('at least one filename argument required')
# check that file arguments exist
for arg in args:
......@@ -128,30 +154,61 @@ def main():
dict = findmodules.findmodules(scriptfile, modules, path)
backup = frozen_c + '~'
os.rename(frozen_c, backup)
except os.error:
backup = None
outfp = open(frozen_c, 'w')
makefreeze.makefreeze(outfp, dict)
if backup:
if cmp.cmp(backup, frozen_c):
sys.stderr.write('%s not changed, not written\n' %
os.rename(backup, frozen_c)
builtins = []
unknown = []
mods = dict.keys()
for mod in mods:
if dict[mod] == '<builtin>':
elif dict[mod] == '<unknown>':
'Warning: module %s not found anywhere\n' %
outfp = open(frozen_c, 'w')
makefreeze.makefreeze(outfp, dict)
addfiles = []
if unknown:
addfiles, addmods = \
checkextensions.checkextensions(unknown, extensions)
for mod in addmods:
builtins = builtins + addmods
if unknown:
sys.stderr.write('Warning: unknown modules remain: %s\n' %
infp = open(config_c_in)
backup = config_c + '~'
os.rename(config_c, backup)
except os.error:
backup = None
outfp = open(config_c, 'w')
makeconfig.makeconfig(infp, outfp, builtins)
if backup:
if cmp.cmp(backup, config_c):
sys.stderr.write('%s not changed, not written\n' %
os.rename(backup, config_c)
cflags = defines + includes + ['$(OPT)']
libs = []
......@@ -166,7 +223,8 @@ def main():
somevars[key] = makevars[key]
somevars['CFLAGS'] = string.join(cflags) # override
files = ['$(OPT)', config_c, frozenmain_c] + libs + \
files = ['$(OPT)', config_c, frozen_c, frozenmain_c] + \
addfiles + libs + \
['$(MODLIBS)', '$(LIBS)', '$(SYSLIBS)']
outfp = open(makefile, 'w')
......@@ -179,4 +237,14 @@ def main():
print 'Now run make to build the target:', target
# Print usage message and exit
def usage(msg = None):
if msg:
sys.stderr.write(str(msg) + '\n')
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