Commit 252e46f3 authored by Éric Araujo's avatar Éric Araujo

Fix typos in comments.

Reported by David-Sarah Hopwood on the Bitbucket bug tracker of
Tarek’s former verlib/distutils.version project.
parent b9503220
......@@ -293,12 +293,12 @@ def suggest_normalized_version(s):
# The 'r' and the '-' tags are post release tags
# 0.4a1.r10 -> 0.4a1.post10
# 0.9.33-17222 -> 0.9.3.post17222
# 0.9.33-r17222 -> 0.9.3.post17222
# 0.9.33-17222 -> 0.9.33.post17222
# 0.9.33-r17222 -> 0.9.33.post17222
rs = re.sub(r"\.?(r|-|-r)\.?(\d+)$", r".post\2", rs)
# Clean 'r' instead of 'dev' usage:
# 0.9.33+r17222 -> 0.9.3.dev17222
# 0.9.33+r17222 -> 0.9.33.dev17222
# 1.0dev123 -> 1.0.dev123
# 1.0.git123 -> 1.0.dev123
# 1.0.bzr123 -> 1.0.dev123
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