Commit 25324971 authored by Serhiy Storchaka's avatar Serhiy Storchaka

Issue #18468: The re.split, re.findall, and re.sub functions and the group()

and groups() methods of match object now always return a string or a bytes
parent 355dda8d
......@@ -17,8 +17,26 @@ from weakref import proxy
import unittest
class S(str):
def __getitem__(self, index):
return S(super().__getitem__(index))
class B(bytes):
def __getitem__(self, index):
return B(super().__getitem__(index))
class ReTests(unittest.TestCase):
def assertTypedEqual(self, actual, expect, msg=None):
self.assertEqual(actual, expect, msg)
def recurse(actual, expect):
if isinstance(expect, (tuple, list)):
for x, y in zip(actual, expect):
recurse(x, y)
self.assertIs(type(actual), type(expect), msg)
recurse(actual, expect)
def test_keep_buffer(self):
# See bug 14212
b = bytearray(b'x')
......@@ -53,6 +71,13 @@ class ReTests(unittest.TestCase):
return str(int_value + 1)
def test_basic_re_sub(self):
self.assertTypedEqual(re.sub('y', 'a', 'xyz'), 'xaz')
self.assertTypedEqual(re.sub('y', S('a'), S('xyz')), 'xaz')
self.assertTypedEqual(re.sub(b'y', b'a', b'xyz'), b'xaz')
self.assertTypedEqual(re.sub(b'y', B(b'a'), B(b'xyz')), b'xaz')
self.assertTypedEqual(re.sub(b'y', bytearray(b'a'), bytearray(b'xyz')), b'xaz')
self.assertTypedEqual(re.sub(b'y', memoryview(b'a'), memoryview(b'xyz')), b'xaz')
self.assertEqual(re.sub("(?i)b+", "x", "bbbb BBBB"), 'x x')
self.assertEqual(re.sub(r'\d+', self.bump_num, '08.2 -2 23x99y'),
'9.3 -3 24x100y')
......@@ -210,10 +235,22 @@ class ReTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(re.subn("b*", "x", "xyz", 2), ('xxxyz', 2))
def test_re_split(self):
self.assertEqual(re.split(":", ":a:b::c"), ['', 'a', 'b', '', 'c'])
self.assertEqual(re.split(":*", ":a:b::c"), ['', 'a', 'b', 'c'])
self.assertEqual(re.split("(:*)", ":a:b::c"),
['', ':', 'a', ':', 'b', '::', 'c'])
for string in ":a:b::c", S(":a:b::c"):
self.assertTypedEqual(re.split(":", string),
['', 'a', 'b', '', 'c'])
self.assertTypedEqual(re.split(":*", string),
['', 'a', 'b', 'c'])
self.assertTypedEqual(re.split("(:*)", string),
['', ':', 'a', ':', 'b', '::', 'c'])
for string in (b":a:b::c", B(b":a:b::c"), bytearray(b":a:b::c"),
self.assertTypedEqual(re.split(b":", string),
[b'', b'a', b'b', b'', b'c'])
self.assertTypedEqual(re.split(b":*", string),
[b'', b'a', b'b', b'c'])
self.assertTypedEqual(re.split(b"(:*)", string),
[b'', b':', b'a', b':', b'b', b'::', b'c'])
self.assertEqual(re.split("(?::*)", ":a:b::c"), ['', 'a', 'b', 'c'])
self.assertEqual(re.split("(:)*", ":a:b::c"),
['', ':', 'a', ':', 'b', ':', 'c'])
......@@ -235,22 +272,39 @@ class ReTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_re_findall(self):
self.assertEqual(re.findall(":+", "abc"), [])
self.assertEqual(re.findall(":+", "a:b::c:::d"), [":", "::", ":::"])
self.assertEqual(re.findall("(:+)", "a:b::c:::d"), [":", "::", ":::"])
self.assertEqual(re.findall("(:)(:*)", "a:b::c:::d"), [(":", ""),
(":", ":"),
(":", "::")])
for string in "a:b::c:::d", S("a:b::c:::d"):
self.assertTypedEqual(re.findall(":+", string),
[":", "::", ":::"])
self.assertTypedEqual(re.findall("(:+)", string),
[":", "::", ":::"])
self.assertTypedEqual(re.findall("(:)(:*)", string),
[(":", ""), (":", ":"), (":", "::")])
for string in (b"a:b::c:::d", B(b"a:b::c:::d"), bytearray(b"a:b::c:::d"),
self.assertTypedEqual(re.findall(b":+", string),
[b":", b"::", b":::"])
self.assertTypedEqual(re.findall(b"(:+)", string),
[b":", b"::", b":::"])
self.assertTypedEqual(re.findall(b"(:)(:*)", string),
[(b":", b""), (b":", b":"), (b":", b"::")])
def test_bug_117612(self):
self.assertEqual(re.findall(r"(a|(b))", "aba"),
[("a", ""),("b", "b"),("a", "")])
def test_re_match(self):
self.assertEqual(re.match('a', 'a').groups(), ())
self.assertEqual(re.match('(a)', 'a').groups(), ('a',))
self.assertEqual(re.match(r'(a)', 'a').group(0), 'a')
self.assertEqual(re.match(r'(a)', 'a').group(1), 'a')
self.assertEqual(re.match(r'(a)', 'a').group(1, 1), ('a', 'a'))
for string in 'a', S('a'):
self.assertEqual(re.match('a', string).groups(), ())
self.assertEqual(re.match('(a)', string).groups(), ('a',))
self.assertEqual(re.match('(a)', string).group(0), 'a')
self.assertEqual(re.match('(a)', string).group(1), 'a')
self.assertEqual(re.match('(a)', string).group(1, 1), ('a', 'a'))
for string in b'a', B(b'a'), bytearray(b'a'), memoryview(b'a'):
self.assertEqual(re.match(b'a', string).groups(), ())
self.assertEqual(re.match(b'(a)', string).groups(), (b'a',))
self.assertEqual(re.match(b'(a)', string).group(0), b'a')
self.assertEqual(re.match(b'(a)', string).group(1), b'a')
self.assertEqual(re.match(b'(a)', string).group(1, 1), (b'a', b'a'))
pat = re.compile('((a)|(b))(c)?')
self.assertEqual(pat.match('a').groups(), ('a', 'a', None, None))
......@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #18468: The re.split, re.findall, and re.sub functions and the group()
and groups() methods of match object now always return a string or a bytes
- Issue #18725: The textwrap module now supports truncating multiline text.
- Issue #18776: atexit callbacks now display their full traceback when they
......@@ -1811,6 +1811,24 @@ state_fini(SRE_STATE* state)
#define STATE_OFFSET(state, member)\
(((char*)(member) - (char*)(state)->beginning) / (state)->charsize)
getslice(int logical_charsize, const void *ptr,
PyObject* string, Py_ssize_t start, Py_ssize_t end)
if (logical_charsize == 1) {
if (PyBytes_CheckExact(string) &&
start == 0 && end == PyBytes_GET_SIZE(string)) {
return string;
return PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(
(const char *)ptr + start, end - start);
else {
return PyUnicode_Substring(string, start, end);
state_getslice(SRE_STATE* state, Py_ssize_t index, PyObject* string, int empty)
......@@ -1831,7 +1849,7 @@ state_getslice(SRE_STATE* state, Py_ssize_t index, PyObject* string, int empty)
j = STATE_OFFSET(state, state->mark[index+1]);
return PySequence_GetSlice(string, i, j);
return getslice(state->logical_charsize, state->beginning, string, i, j);
static void
......@@ -1992,45 +2010,6 @@ deepcopy(PyObject** object, PyObject* memo)
static PyObject*
join_list(PyObject* list, PyObject* string)
/* join list elements */
PyObject* joiner;
PyObject* function;
PyObject* args;
PyObject* result;
joiner = PySequence_GetSlice(string, 0, 0);
if (!joiner)
return NULL;
if (PyList_GET_SIZE(list) == 0) {
return joiner;
function = PyObject_GetAttrString(joiner, "join");
if (!function) {
return NULL;
args = PyTuple_New(1);
if (!args) {
return NULL;
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(args, 0, list);
result = PyObject_CallObject(function, args);
Py_DECREF(args); /* also removes list */
return result;
static PyObject*
pattern_findall(PatternObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kw)
......@@ -2086,7 +2065,8 @@ pattern_findall(PatternObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kw)
case 0:
b = STATE_OFFSET(&state, state.start);
e = STATE_OFFSET(&state, state.ptr);
item = PySequence_GetSlice(string, b, e);
item = getslice(state.logical_charsize, state.beginning,
string, b, e);
if (!item)
goto error;
......@@ -2216,7 +2196,7 @@ pattern_split(PatternObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kw)
/* get segment before this match */
item = PySequence_GetSlice(
item = getslice(state.logical_charsize, state.beginning,
string, STATE_OFFSET(&state, last),
STATE_OFFSET(&state, state.start)
......@@ -2245,7 +2225,7 @@ pattern_split(PatternObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kw)
/* get segment following last match (even if empty) */
item = PySequence_GetSlice(
item = getslice(state.logical_charsize, state.beginning,
string, STATE_OFFSET(&state, last), state.endpos
if (!item)
......@@ -2271,6 +2251,7 @@ pattern_subx(PatternObject* self, PyObject* ptemplate, PyObject* string,
SRE_STATE state;
PyObject* list;
PyObject* joiner;
PyObject* item;
PyObject* filter;
PyObject* args;
......@@ -2360,7 +2341,8 @@ pattern_subx(PatternObject* self, PyObject* ptemplate, PyObject* string,
if (i < b) {
/* get segment before this match */
item = PySequence_GetSlice(string, i, b);
item = getslice(state.logical_charsize, state.beginning,
string, i, b);
if (!item)
goto error;
status = PyList_Append(list, item);
......@@ -2415,7 +2397,8 @@ next:
/* get segment following last match */
if (i < state.endpos) {
item = PySequence_GetSlice(string, i, state.endpos);
item = getslice(state.logical_charsize, state.beginning,
string, i, state.endpos);
if (!item)
goto error;
status = PyList_Append(list, item);
......@@ -2429,10 +2412,24 @@ next:
/* convert list to single string (also removes list) */
item = join_list(list, string);
if (!item)
joiner = getslice(state.logical_charsize, state.beginning, string, 0, 0);
if (!joiner) {
return NULL;
if (PyList_GET_SIZE(list) == 0) {
item = joiner;
else {
if (state.logical_charsize == 1)
item = _PyBytes_Join(joiner, list);
item = PyUnicode_Join(joiner, list);
if (!item)
return NULL;
if (subn)
return Py_BuildValue("Nn", item, n);
......@@ -3189,6 +3186,12 @@ match_dealloc(MatchObject* self)
static PyObject*
match_getslice_by_index(MatchObject* self, Py_ssize_t index, PyObject* def)
Py_ssize_t length;
int logical_charsize, charsize;
Py_buffer view;
PyObject *result;
void* ptr;
if (index < 0 || index >= self->groups) {
/* raise IndexError if we were given a bad group number */
......@@ -3206,9 +3209,14 @@ match_getslice_by_index(MatchObject* self, Py_ssize_t index, PyObject* def)
return def;
return PySequence_GetSlice(
self->string, self->mark[index], self->mark[index+1]
ptr = getstring(self->string, &length, &logical_charsize, &charsize, &view);
if (ptr == NULL)
return NULL;
result = getslice(logical_charsize, ptr,
self->string, self->mark[index], self->mark[index+1]);
if (logical_charsize == 1 && view.buf != NULL)
return result;
static Py_ssize_t
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