Commit 26b698fa authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Document <complex #>.conjugate().

parent 15988fdb
......@@ -221,11 +221,13 @@ comparison operations):
\lineiii{long(\var{x})}{\var{x} converted to long integer}{(2)}
\lineiii{float(\var{x})}{\var{x} converted to floating point}{}
\lineiii{complex(\var{re},\var{im})}{a complex number with real part \var{re}, imaginary part \var{im}. \var{im} defaults to zero.}{}
\lineiii{\var{c}.conjugate()}{conjugate of the complex number \var{c}}{}
\lineiii{divmod(\var{x}, \var{y})}{the pair \code{(\var{x} / \var{y}, \var{x} \%{} \var{y})}}{(3)}
\lineiii{pow(\var{x}, \var{y})}{\var{x} to the power \var{y}}{}
\lineiii{\var{x} ** \var{y}}{\var{x} to the power \var{y}}{}
\indexiii{operations on}{numeric}{types}
\withsubitem{(complex number method)}{\ttindex{conjugate()}}
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