Commit 26fbd8b6 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Chris Barker <>:

Small clarification, remove the assertion that the module is temporary.
parent 658865c3
......@@ -12,11 +12,9 @@ that can function as an Open Scripting Architecture
\index{Open Scripting Architecture}
(OSA) server, i.e. receive and process
AppleEvents\index{AppleEvents}. It can be used in conjunction with
\refmodule{FrameWork}\refstmodindex{FrameWork} or standalone.
\refmodule{FrameWork}\refstmodindex{FrameWork} or standalone. As an
example, it is used in \program{PythonCGISlave}.
This module is temporary, it will eventually be replaced by a module
that handles argument names better and possibly automates making your
application scriptable.
The \module{MiniAEFrame} module defines the following classes:
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