Commit 273e65cb authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Get rid of .conj pseudo data attribute for complex numbers.

Add __members__ attribute.
parent 29e3ffd0
......@@ -606,11 +606,8 @@ complex_getattr(self, name)
return (object *)newfloatobject(self->cval.real);
else if (strcmp(name, "imag") == 0)
return (object *)newfloatobject(self->cval.imag);
else if (strcmp(name, "conj") == 0) {
cval.real = self->cval.real;
cval.imag = -self->cval.imag;
return (object *)newcomplexobject(cval);
else if (strcmp(name, "__members__") == 0)
return mkvalue("[ss]", "imag", "real");
return findmethod(complex_methods, (object *)self, name);
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